Chapter 103-Can you show me where it is

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We walked into the abandoned warehouse, but it wasn't. There was computers, people, tv, weapons everywhere.

Aidan headed towards another pair of doors, he opened it and there was a long table with multiple chairs. Men were already sitting there, waiting for Aidan.

When I peered out they all looked at me.

"Listen up, this is my sister. Treat her like you treat me" he said

All the men looked away and peered down to the desk.

Aidan and I walked towards the end of desk, I pulled a chair from the corner.

"Ok, today we will be discussing the shipments." Aidan said

I grabbed my airpods and put them in, I wasn't going to listen to there boring meeting.

After couple minutes Aidan noticed I wasn't listening and saw I had airpods in. He pulled one out, and whispered to take it out. I didn't want to make it a big deal so I took it out. I then grabbed my backpack and started my homework. Again Aidan got mad at me and told me to put it away. So now I was bored listening to there meeting. The meeting went on for 2 hours and I was hungry and tired and my knee started hurting again.

I also needed to pee

"Aidan I have to use the bathroom" I said

"Ok, go straight then take a left" he said

I grabbed my phone and got up, I left the room and made my way to the bathroom. I got lost finding my way. I saw a lady so I asked her

"Excuse me" I said

"Yeah" she replied

She was tall, and had long brown hair. She has a tattoo on her forearm.

"Do you know where I can find the bathroom?" I asked

"Yeah, here I'll show you" she said

"Thank you" I replied

She showed me the way to the bathroom. We finally reached the bathroom

"Thank you again" I said

"You're welcome" she said

I went in and locked the door. I used the bathroom and washed my hands. After finishing the bathroom, I made my way back, but this time I bumped into someone

Dr. Casey my physical therapist

"Hey Alexis" he said

"Hey dr. Casey" I replied

"Why weren't you at physical therapy yesterday?" He asked

"I had detention then I had to walk home" I replied

"No one picked you up?" He questioned

"Nope, and my knee gave out and it's hurting again" I replied

"Oh no, do you want me to check it out?" He asked

"If you can, then yes" I said

"Ok, follow me" he said

I followed him into a medical room, with other patients.

"Ok, sit on the bed" he said

I sat on the bed

"Ok, how much can you bend your knee" he asked

I bent my knee the farthest without it hurting like hell, I used to be able to go farther.

"Ok, it seems like you overused your knee, and your knee wasn't able to handle it" he said

"Lay back on using your knee, and let it rest. Take some medicine and it should be good in a couple days" he said

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