Chapter 14- I can't take those pills

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I saw no one in my room, maybe it was all a lie. My parents are alive and they just went to go get food or something. Maybe I didn't have any brothers. But I knew the truth, my parents are dead and my brother are my legal guardian. I think they left me, why did they even come into my life to drop me within a week. They wanted to return me, I was a burden to them. I shouldn't have gone with them. Then I heard someone come in with jello

"Hey you're awake" Jaden said with jello in his hand

"Yeah" I replied

"Let me get everyone else, they wanted you to have space for when you wake up" he said

"Ok" I replied

Wow, I guess they actually know what space is. I thought I was gonna have my old life back or somewhat of my old life back.

"Hey, you're awake, we told you that you'll be fine" Andrew replied while coming through the door

"Yeah" I mumbled, I was still pissed off.

"The doctor should be here any minute with instructions and how long the cast will be on for" Aidan said looking up from his phone

*knock knock*

The doctor came in

"Hello Alexis, how are you doing

"Good, groggy" I replied

"Any pain or discomfort" he asked

"A bit of pain" I replied

"Well that should be wearing off but it won't be to bad. I'll prescribe you pain meds" he said

"Umm could I talk to you about that, the pain meds" I asked shyly. I didn't want the others to know

"Whatever you have to say you can say in front of us" Aidan said

"Yeah well I'll be more comfortable if it was only him" I replied

"Alexis just tell us, we will find out eventually from the doctor" Andrew replied

"For fuck sake, can't you guys let me talk to the doctor without going up in my business, if I want to talk to the doctor alone, I should be able to" I snapped back

"Alexis, don't use that tone on us, now tell all of us" Aidan said in a angry tone

"FINE, I can't take pain meds" I semi screamed

"What do you mean you can't take pain meds" the doctor asked

"Do you have an addiction?" Ryan asked

"Notanymorebutihadasmallproblem" I replied

"Slow down and say it" Ryan replied

" I don't have an addiction but I had a small problem" I replied

"When did you start having the problem" doctor O'Shea asked

"Last year" I replied

"Doctor O'Shea do you mind stepping out so we can talk to Alexis privately" Andrew asked

The doctor nodded and left

"What happened" Aidan asked

"It's nothing, I had a small problem and a small accident. Then I stopped" I replied

"How long" Aidan glared at me

"What" I mumbled

"How long" he said again even more angry

"Maybe a week or two" I mumbled

"Shit, are you kidding me" Andrew said

"What accident did you have?" Aidan asked

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