Chapter 56-They had urgent business

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"You're going down" I said

"We will see about that" Sophia replied

We were going up to ten. In the beginning no one was watching but by the time we got to 5 points we had a crowd. We will only going up to ten

"8-9" I said, last point wins.

She needed one more point. We were both covered in sweat

She faked going right, then did lay up.

"Haha I won" she said

"Yeah whatever" I said rolling my eyes

"Good game, if we played against each other at school it would be a hard game" she said

"You too, and yeah that game would never end" I replied with a little laugh.

Sophia introduced me to her friends, they were in here for substance abuse and one of them for alcohol abuse

We went upstairs and since she won she took a shower first. She finished her shower then I went in. I took a shower and changed into pajamas shorts and a shirt.

"We start group therapy tomorrow" Sophia said

"Oh god, how is it like" I asked

"It's not bad but if you don't like talking about your life you'll hate it" she said

I groaned

It was now dinner time and we all ate. I made couple of new friends. At night we had to turn our phones in which isn't bad. Our curfew was 11, but Sophia and I decided to stay up and learn more about each other.

We both fell asleep, I slept for 3 hours

"AHHH, get them off." I screamed

Sophia woke up confused

"Hey Lexi it's ok, it's just hallucinations. There is no bugs on you. Calm down, breathe in and out. Slow breathes" she said

She helped me calmed down, I still saw the bugs but I had to remember they are just hallucinations. I didn't fall asleep for the rest of the night. I got out of bed exhausted and went to eat breakfast. At 11am it was now group session

"Good morning, we have a new patient here today. Lexi why don't you introduce yourself." The counselor said

"Hi I'm Lexi whitmore I'm 17 and I am a substance abuser, specifically oxycodone" I said

"Hi Lexi" they all replied

The session went fine, it was my first one so they didn't ask too many questions. The next 30 days flew by, my craving for the drug went away, the side effects went away.

I was clean

It was the day my brothers would pick me up. I packed all my things, went to my last group session and said goodbye to all my friends. I would keep in touch specifically Sophia. We would try going to meetings together.

(Also now it's December. If you're confused how we got to December is basically her birthday was in September, then 3 months in a coma brings us to December)

I waited in the waiting area for my brothers. It was now 3:30, maybe they were just running late. I kept checking the time and it just went by. It was now 6pm, someone came in and it was 50 year guy.

"Hello Alexis, I'm the personal driver. I will be taking you home now" he said

"How do I know you aren't a random guy" I asked

"Umm, you were in the rehab center for drugs specifically oxycodone" he said

"Ok i guess you do know my brothers" I said

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