Chapter 28- the nightmare

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"Are you ready" Andrew asked

"Nope but I'm not trying to be in pain" I replied.

"Remember, I know how many pills are in it, I know what time you take it and when's the next time. It's gonna be hard but all of us are here for you. You only need to take the pain meds for 2 weeks maximum. I know you'll be able to do this, and if it ever gets too much and you're becoming dependent on it, tell us so we will try something different" he said

"Ok Andrew, I will tell you if anything goes wrong" I replied

He hands me the pill and water. I stare at the pill, the pill that started it all. I couldn't take it, but the pain.

Andrew was still in my room.

"Andrew I can't take it" I whispered

Tears starting form. I couldn't go down this path. When I went down it before it was the worst thing.

"Hey, Lexi it's ok. You're not going down the same path. This is different." He said

"I-I can't, I can't do that again. This pain caused me so much more pain. It caused my family to fight over, my friends leaving me. I felt alone the whole time. I can't do it again." I said with tears falling down on my cheek.

" hey hey Lexi it's ok" he said pulling me in a hug

"This won't be last time, you have control over the pill not the other way around. I promise you, that you won't go down that path, and if you do you have us and we aren't going to leave you ever. We will do everything that we can to make sure you won't" he said

He gave me a reassuring smile. I knew they were there for me. I'm in control not the pill.

I took the pill and swallowed it. I'm in control

"See, you're in control. Now go to sleep, you had a long day" he said

"Thank you Andrew" I said

"Of course Lexi that's what family is for" he said

"Good night" I replied

"Good night" he said

He turned off my light and closed the door. I was so tired from today I was out like a light.


"Come on Lexi, take it you'll feel amazing" Matthew said

"Yeah Lexi don't be a party pooper" James

"Fine, fine. Give it" I said

I took it and holy shit after 5 minutes I felt it. It was a rush and I felt free. I didn't feel anything and it felt amazing. I went home later that day still feeling it

"Lexi where have you been" my mom asked

"Places" I replied

"I'm going to my room don't disturb me" I said a bit drunk and on drugs

I heard my parents argument later that day

"David, she's out of control, she needs discipline before it's too late" my mom said

"Maggie, she's a kid we all got drunk in highschool" he replied

"This isn't just drunk, she's doing more on that. She could ruin her highschool career" my mom said

"No she's not, she is still the varsity team captain and her grades are still fine" he said

"She's gonna lose that if she goes down this path" my mom yelled

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