Bonus chapter

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Jenna's p.o.v.

I woke up at 6am to banging on my door. I grabbed my glasses and went downstairs. I opened the door and it was Ace and Ryan

"Is Lexi here?" Ryan asked frantically

"What" I said confused

"JENNA, Is Lexi here, yes or no" Ace asked

"No, she's not why?" I asked

"She's gone, she wrote us a letter. Her room is empty, she left her phone her computer, anything we can track she left" Ryan said

It felt like someone was crushing on my heart then stomping on it.

"Jenna who's here?" James asked groggy

"She's gone" I said tears forming

"Who is" he asked

"L-Lexi" I said

He came running to me and I fell in the floor, James catching me. My body trembled, crying.

"She wanted to tell you guys that you mean so much to her, and she loves you guys so much and for everything you've done. She also said she's sorry" Ace said

That made me cry even more.

"We will tell you if we hear anything" Ryan said

James shut the door and I left everything out

"Why did she leave, why is she gone. I need her" I said crying

"I know, I need her too. We will find her. I promise" James said

He was hurting too, she was family, and family were suppose to stick together

"Her old phone" I said

James took her phone out and was constantly calling and texting.

"Call Ryan, maybe they can track it" I said

We just wanted our sister back

Ryan told us to come over to give him the phone and number

"Here's her old number" I said giving the phone

They had someone track the phone

"She's blocking any connection, the last seen was here in May" one of the people that works for them said

"DAMNIT" Aidan yelled

"I'm sorry that the only thing I have" I said crying

"It's ok, you tried" Aidan said

James and I left and headed home.

I went to my room and found the stuff animal Lexi and I have. I grabbed it and cried into it.

My best friend ran away

My sister is gone

James p.o.v

When I heard the news I thought they were kidding but soon realized they weren't. I saw Jenna about to fall so I quickly caught her. I don't know why Lexi left, I know her brothers weren't nice but she was gonna wait till after highschool.

We gave ryan her old phone number to see if we can track her but no luck. She was really gone, she wasn't coming back. She didn't want to be found. After Jenna went to her room I went to mine. Jenna, Lexi and I have matching stuff animals. I grabbed that and held it on my chest. My face was tear stained. Everything hurt so much, I wasn't there enough to help. I should have been there but I wasn't. It was my fault she was gone

My best friend was gone

And does not want to be found.

Noah's p.o.v.

I haven't heard from any of the Valentino family. Lexi hasn't responded and I texted Jaden and he neither responded. I was worried, so I decided to drive back home. I reached Lexi's house and knocked on the door, and Ace opened it

"Noah what are you doing here?" Ace asked

"Lexi hasn't been answering my calls and neither of Jaden or Ryan. I was worried" I replied

"Did Jaden not tell you?" He asked

"What was jaden suppose to tell me? I questioned

"Come inside, we need to talk" Ace said

I was worried, what happened to Lexi.

I sat on the couch, nervous. I didn't know what to expect

"Lexi ran away" ace said

My jaw dropped, my heart shattered. This couldn't be true, there no way

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"She packed everything in her room, and left in the middle of the night. We have been looking for her" ace said

"TRY HARDER" I yelled

"WE ARE" he snapped back

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell" I said

I was angry, confused and sad. She just left without telling anyone or showing any sign.

"She's gone" I mumbled, a tear falling from my eye

"I know buddy, it's ok. We will find her" Ace said hugging me

I left the house and went to my house.

"Noah what a surprise to see you" my mom said

I looked up and saw her happy face turn to concern

"What happened?" She asked

"She's gone" I said

"Who" she questioned

"Lexi" I replied

She came up to my and engulfed me in a hug.

"It's ok baby, let it out" she said

I let all my emotion out

My girlfriend was gone, and I couldn't be there to stop her

After talking to my mom I went upstairs. I opened the scrapbook she got me as a graduation gift.

I went through it and saw all of our pictures and dates. It made me cry,

My girlfriend was gone

I wasn't there for her

I had to get her back.

Lucas p.o.v.

When I heard the news of Lexi running away I couldn't believe it. She was the type of girl to run away from her problems but not actually. I was in the middle of the semester in college but dropped everything and went looking for her.

I went to her favorite places and didn't find her. She was no one to be found.

Why did she have to go

Why wasn't I there?

Why did she run away

I lost my little sister, my best friend

She was gone and didn't want to be found


Hey guys, here's a bonus chapter. I think I'll upload one more bonus chapter. So stay tuned

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