Chapter 7- Don't post that

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While Ryan was chasing his brother while I tried going back to bed. I eventually did, and woke up around 12pm. I go downstairs and saw no one, so I made myself some waffles. After eating, I decided to go exploring. I walked down the halls remembering not to go down there. But my curiosity was really saying to go down. I didn't see anyone so I peaked a bit, there was a big door leading to another room. I went next to the door and heard people talking inside

"Make sure the shipment arrives, and nothing is missing. If some of the items are missing it's on you John, and you know how it will end if something is missing" Aidan said

What does Aidan mean by he knows how it will end? What are my brothers up too? I ran down the hall back to the kitchen. I went outside and realized it was hot, and decided to go swimming. I go back upstairs and change into a two piece. I grabbed sun tan lotion, towel and speaker. I went outside

(Imagine this but in the daytime)

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(Imagine this but in the daytime)

I turned on the speaker and started to jam out to my music. I decided to go in the pool and swim a bit. I wanted to take some pictures by the pool and post them. I got some good ones, and now I have to decide which to post. While deciding which one I went to a chair and started to tan.

"You aren't posting that" Andrew said scaring me

"Ahh, you scared me Andrew" I said

"Don't do you dare think you're posting those pictures, they are provocative" he said sternly.

What is their problem about what I post, it's not like it affects them or anyone from LA gonna know.

"Umm yes I can, and it's not provocative, I'm in a swimsuit." I said annoyed

"I don't care, either don't post it or I'll just inform Aidan about this" he said still mad

"Whatever" I said annoyed.

I went back to tanning and I ended up posting the pictures anyway. I don't care what they say I'm in a swimsuit and everyone post swimsuit pictures. What's the big deal. I finished tanning, then I put my denim shorts and some slippers and went to play some basketball. I had to get back into shape so I can play at my new school. I played for 2 hours and I was exhausted. I went back inside, but before I got to the stairs Aidan called me

"Hey Alexis, can you come to the kitchen" he said from a distance

I mentally groaned, I just wanted to take a shower and sleep.

"Can we talk later I need to take a shower and I'm exhausted." I said tired

"No, we need to talk now" he said annoyed

"Ok" i said annoyed

I went to the kitchen and saw him going through papers.

"You called me" I said yawning

"Yes, we still need to talk about the consequences" he said with no emotion

"But I thought since I told Andrew what happened I wouldn't have consequences." I said

"Well that's not true, but since it is the first time, I will let it slide, but next time I will not" he said looking at me

I nodded my head

"You have to give me an actual answer not a head shake" he said

"Yes, thank you" I said

I walked into my room and took a shower, I was so tired after the shower and went straight to my bed. Sleeping felt so nice. I woke up feeling refreshed and I saw the time.


Damn I forgot to eat dinner. I went downstairs and the lights were off. I found the kitchen light and went to the fridge. I saw some pasta and ate that for dinner. I saw some light coming from the backyard and saw all 4 of my brothers with couple other guys in suits. I was debating whether to go outside or not. I was about to open the door but one of my brothers made eye contact with me and gave me the death stare. I guess I was not allowed outside. I went back upstairs, and tried going back to bed. I couldn't stop thinking why my brothers didn't want me outside and who those men were. Eventually sleep consumed me, and I was fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning with a note on my nightstand saying "when you're awake come to my room, we need to talk" from Andrew

Oh god I wonder what he wants, is it because of last night, or did he see my Instagram post. My mind was racing and didn't know what to do. Maybe I just sleep all day or something.

Author's note

Holy shit, my last chapter I hit 133 views but now i am at 694. I didn't expect me book to get that many views. Thank you so much for reading it and I hope you continue reading it.

Sorry the chapter is short, I've been stressed out from school and I have no motivation to do anything and I have writers block. I am trying to make a schedule so I can post on those days but my brain does not want to cooperate. Please comment some ideas for the book, I could use some help. I hope everyone is doing good during the pandemic, and please stay inside so we can be done with social distancing because we all want to go out again. See you guys next time

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