◇The Plan◇

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Apparently,Mr.Vlad King called emergency services.It was fifteen minutes after the villains left,ambulances and fire truck arrived.Of the 41 students,fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition from the villain's gas.And eleven others had major or minor injuries.Thirteen were uninjured.And one was missing.(Bakugou)

Of the six pro heroes,one was in serious condition after receiving a hard blow to the head(Pixie-Bob),and one lost a lot of blood and went missing (Ragdoll).
Meanwhile,on the villain side,three were caught red-handed and arrested...Leaving those three behind,the other villains disappeared without a trace.

I was sent to the hospital quickly when I fainted because emotions were running through my brain like crazy,knowing that Bakugou is gone.It made my blood pressure went high.The moon turns back to normal the second I became unconscious.

~The Next Day~
"Mm?"I said slowly waking up.I open my eyes to see my sister sitting beside me,she was crying.

"Y/N...!"She said watching me get out of the bed.She tried stopping me but I wouldnt stop fighting back.

"Y/N"I look at the door that was slide open to reveal the police.

"You arent allowed to leave the hospital until we have settled everything"He said.I scoff and tried walking past them but the officers that was with him stood in my way.

"I'm finding Bakugou!Your not stopping me!"I said pushing through the police but my sister grabbed me stopping me.I cried in her shoulders.

"You dont understand..."I said hugging my sister tightly.

"Your right I dont"She said patting my head.

"Do you mind if we talk?Privately?"The police ask,my sister looked at me before walking out the room.

"I'm Naomasa Tsukauchi,I'm a police detective"He said crouching down to reach my level since I was sitting on the ground.

"Its about your Quirk.You manage to change the colour of the moon,creating a blood moon.Did you do that?"He said terrified for some reason.

"I don't know..."I said looking down.He looked at me before nodding,he then got up heading to the door.

"Dont worry we'll find him"He said before closing the door.

"Deku..."I said remembering I wasnt the only one getting sent to a hospital,I quickly went to the counter asking for the room Deku was staying at.When I slide open the door,the entire class looked at me.

"Y/N your awake?We were gonna visit you next"Uraraka said looking at me.

"Deku?"I said standing beside him,he looked away hiding his teary eyes.

"Then let's save him"Kirishima said.We all looked at him confused.

"Actually,Todoroki and I were here yesterday,too."Kirishima then started explaining everything that happened yesterday.

"Does this mean you're going to have Yaoyorozu make another reciever?"Iida asks.Kirishima nodded.

"It is as All Might said!This is something we should leave to the pros!This isnt the place for us to act,you idiots!"Iida said scolding them.

"We know that!But I couldnt do anything after I heard that my friend was being targeted!I couldnt do anything!I didnt do anything!If I dont do anything now.I wont be a hero or man anymore!"Kirishima shouts,telling us the thoughts he was keeping to himself.

"Kirishima,we're in a hospital.Calm down.Its fine to feel strongly about things,but this time---"Kaminari said trying to quiet him down.

"Iida is correct."Tsuyu said.

"Iida,all of you,you're all correct.I know that.But!Hey,Midoriya,Y/N,your hand can still reach!We can go save him!"Kirishima said exchanging his hand

"So,in short,you're planning on getting the receiver from Yao-momo,following it and going to save Bakugou yourselves?"Mina asks slightly concerned,pretty much everyone was.

"Yeah"Kirishima said lowering his hand turning around to look at the entire clas.

"Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed,they took Bakugou without killing him.They probably let him alive,but that doesnt mean they wont kill him eventually.Kirishima and I are going..."Todoroki said.

"Dont go overboard with your messing around!"Iida said.

"Wait.Calm down.I understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything and Todoroki's frustration at having him stolen in front of his very eyes.Im frustrated too.But,this isnt a situation where we should act on our emotions.Right?"Shoji said trying to figure out the tough situation we are in right now.

"L-lets leave this to All Might...Mr.Aizawa's permission to fight at the training camp has been rescinded,too."Aoyama said terrified.

"Aoyama's right.I cant say much since I was the one who needed saving,though..."Tokoyami said.

"But--"Kirishima got interrupted.

"Everyone,we're all shocked from Bakugou's kidnapping.But let's think things through calmly.No matter how just your feelings,if you're saying you'll fight again...that you'll break the rules...Those acts are the same as those villains."Tsuyu said.The room was completely quiet until the door slide open.

"Sorry to interrupt...Its time for Midoriya's exam..."The doctor said.

"Wh-why dont we go?I wanna see how Jiro and Hagakure are doing,too"Sero said.

"Oh yeah."Ojiro said.

"I'll check up with Y/N"Uraraka said.

I went outside with the others.They all look at me making me feel worried of them.What are they thinking?

"Y/N we need to talk about what happened last night during the camp"Iida said,they all looked at me worried.

"What is it?"I said still confuse.

"Its about your Quirk.You created a blood moon!"Kirishima said out loud.

"Not that loud"Tsuyu said shushing him.

"O-oh yeah"I said rubbing my arm.

"Y/N,we are concerned of you.You were able to create an actual blood moon,you looked more horrifying seeing your pupils turn red"Uraraka said.

"My pupils?"I said surprised.

"Your hair was also glowing white"Tsuyu added.

"Y/N..."Todoroki pulled me into a hug.

"I'm fine the police will find out eventually"I lied about it.We both dont know how my Quirk was able to do that.

"We hope so"Tokoyami said.Todoroki let go of me,they then went to check up on Jiro and Hagakure.

I went to my room to rest.It slowly turns night,I stood in front of the window looking at the moon.I lift my hand at the moon trying to create the blood moon but nothing happened.A blood moon?Does that mean theres more I dont know about my Quirk?

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