♡Midoriya's Kiss♡

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I open my eyes because of my phone's alarm.I was scared I'd over sleep so I thought I should set up the alarm.Gosh the things I do for you people.I yawn and started stretching my arms.

"Better get ready"I said standing up.I did my usual morning routine.

~The outfit you wore~
*that looks really good*

"I guess this will do"I said looking at myself in the mirror

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"I guess this will do"I said looking at myself in the mirror.I quickly cook a breakfast meal,better not waste too much time in the kitchen.

"Ugh its burnt.I guess I have no choice"I said eating the burnt egg.My face cringe just by tasting it.Luckily I manage to finish it,I threw the dirty plates in the sink before leaving the house.

I got on my bike and went to Deku's apartment.I park my bike at the parking lot,I then went up the stairs.I stood outside the door,I hesitated for a moment before knocking on it.I hope I wasnt late.I just couldnt help but dream about food last night.

"Y/N!"Deku said opening the door.His hair was messy so he must've just woke up.

"Hey Midoriya"I said smiling a bit.

"Well come in"He said standing aside letting me go in.The place looks just like the same after the last time I visited.

"Do you wanna head to my room?"He said.I look at him making him stutter.

"S-sorry I didnt meant th-that.I was thinking if I should sh-show you my room"He said blushing.I burst into laughter.

"Of course I dont mind"I said smiling.He then lead me to his room.

"Wow All Might!"I said sitting on the bed.

"I-its kinda embarrassing"He said shutting the door close.

"I like it!Its like every kid's dream to have this room."I said looking around.

"Y-you dont hate it?"He said surprised to hear my response.

"Is that the figurine of me you bought last time we went together?"I said looking at the figurine of me that was on his desk.

"I hope you dont think I'm a pervert"He said standing beside me.

"Of course not once I become a pro hero I bet everyone is gonna have my posters hang up in their room!"I said spreading my arms.He smiled seeing me act like a child.

"Sometimes I dont know if your still the same tough Y/N when we talk.Its quite amazing you can pull off cute and s-sexy"He said blushing when he said the last word.

"You think I'm sexy?"I said making him blush even deeper.

"Forget what I said!I'm sorry!"He said covering his tomato face.

"I'm not angry"I said grabbing his hand lowering it.We both then sat on his bed talking for a while.

"So Y/N..."He said sitting closer to me trying his best not to act shy.

"Hm?"I said looking at him.Our face was inches apart when I turn towards him.

"You have really beautiful eyes"He said leaning closer.Is he gonna kiss me?

" Beep!Beep!" We both stopped what we were doing when we heard a car honking.I look out his window to see an old lady standing in front of my bike.Oh no.

"Is everything okay?"Deku asks.I shake my head and he followed me when I was gonna head downstairs.I approach the old lady.

"Is this your motorbike miss?"She said eyeing me from head to toe.

"You seem pretty wealthy why are you doing at an apartment like this?"She said being stingy.

"I'm here to pay my friend a visit"I said looking at her.She raised an eyebrow looking at me then Deku.

"Friends ey?I'll give you a few minutes to get your motorbike off this property.You dont live here so your not allowed to park anywhere you wish to.This is why I dont like you rich pigs"She said before walking away.I roll my eyes and grab my motorbike.

"Dont take it personally shes always mean"Deku said standing beside me.

"I'll try"I said dragging my bike to the entrance.I place it next to the wall.I giggled looking at him after I notice his hair is still messy.

"Dont move"I said helping to fix his hair so it doesnt look messy.

"Thanks..."He said blushing.We both then went back to his apartment.I lay on his bed feeling exhausted.

"Surprisingly comfy"I said closing my eyes.Deku sat on the bedside watching as I close my eyes.I grabbed his wrist pulling him towards me.To my surprise he was now hovering above me.

"Oh I'm sorry I didnt meant to do that I was-"I was gonna start apologising until he lean in to kiss me.I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.He bit my bottom lip before pulling away.

"Y/N..."He said trying to catch his breath.He was kissing me so intensely,its almost like he always wanted to do this.

"I guess I'm not allowed to call you Deku anymore after this..."I said teasing him.He lean in to kiss me again.He was hungry for my kisses almost like he was a lion.

~Fast Foward~
"Today was interesting"I said standing at the front door.His lips were swollen up from all the kissing,his cheek was also red.

"I guess I'll see you when school starts"I said smiling.I place a peck on his cheek,he place his hand on his cheek blushing hard.

"Bye Midoriya"I said waving at him before heading back downstairs.I got on my bike heading back home.

"I cant believe that just happened.His actually an amazing kisser,an intense one"I said to myself putting the keys on the table.I started stretching my arms and upper torso when walking to my bedroom.

"Good night Y/N"I said to myself closing the lights.I smiled as I close my eyes going to sleep.Who knew Midoriya was such a good kisser.I bet he search up some videos to learn.I thought making me giggle.

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