◇Ultimate moves◇

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After moving in the dorms.It was so much better for me and my mental health,I didnt have to worry about waking up to fear.Its also much more easier for me to hangout with the others.Of course I call Kira sometimes to check on her.

I didnt have to ride my bike to school now so I dont have to worry about paying for fuel.Its just a 5 minute walk.I arrive at class,I sat at my seat just like I always do.I decided to take a quick nap before class starts.

~Fast Foward~
"I believe I mentioned this yesterday,but for now,Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses."Mr.Aizawa said looking at us all serious.

"Yes,sir!"We all said.

"A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life.Of course,the exam to receive one is very difficult.Even the provisional license only has a 50% passing rate each year."Mr.Aizawa states.

"Just the provisional license is that hard?"Mineta said startled.

"That's why today,we will have each of you come up with at least two...ultimate moves."Mr.Aizawa said.Suddenly the door slide to reveal Midnight,

"Ultimate moves?!"The class said.

"Its like a real school thing and it's like a super normal hero thing"The class said once again.

" 'Ultimate'!This means that this move will give you a sure win."Ectoplasm says

"A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it.Battle means seeing how much you can force what you're good at on your opponent."Cementoss said with a thumbs up.

"Your moves will represent you.These days,pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species."Midnight said

"We will tell you more as we go along.We want to proceed logically.Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma."Mr.Aizawa says.

~Fast Foward~
"Gym Gamma,also known as the 'Training Dining Land,'or TDL."Mr.Aizawa said.I look around admiring how big the place looks.

"I came up with the idea for these facilities.Terrain and other things can be prepared specifically for each student.Thats what the 'dining' part refers to."Cementoss says

"I see..."Kaminari said.

"Please allow me to ask a question!Why must we have ultimate moves for our provisional licensing exam?Please tell me your reasoning"Iida said raising his hand.

"I'll tell you everything in order.Calm down.The job of a hero is to save people from danger,like crimes,accidents,natural disasters,and man-made disasters.The exam to become one naturally looks at how well you are able to do that.Your ability to gather information,make decisions,move,and fight.In addition to your ability to communicate,draw people to you,and lead--Every year,a different test is used to look at how well you are able to do those things."Mr.Aizawa said.

"Of those,your ability to fight is especially important to your future as heroes.If you are prepared,you wont have to worry.Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect whether or not you pass."Midnight said.

"Not being influenced by circumstances and being able to act consistently will make you a great asset on the front lines."Cementoss said before walking to continue setting up the place for us.

"Your ultimate moves do not necessarily need to be of the attacking type.For example,Iida's Reciproburst--The temporary burst of speed is enough of a threat to be worth calling an ultimate move."Ectoplasm said.

"So that's good enough to be called an ultimate move?"Iida said feeling proud.

"I see...So we need to find something that allows us to feel like 'As long as I do this I have the advantage.I can win' "Rikido said looking at Iida.

"Exactly.Kamui Woods,who played a big part in the fight the othe day has a move called Lacquered Chain Prison that is the perfect example of an ultimate move.It restrains his opponents before they can do anything."Midnight said.

"The training camp was cancelled,but the training you did to develop your Quirks was part of the process to create your ultimate moves.In other words,until the beginning of the next semester,for the ten days or so until the end of summer vacation,you'll be working out your ultimate moves as you develop your Quirks.Youll be doing Intensive training!"Mr.Aizawa said as we look at the amount of concrete Cementoss.


"In addition,you should think about how you can improve your costumes,to work better with your developing Quirks

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"In addition,you should think about how you can improve your costumes,to work better with your developing Quirks.Get through this with a 'Plus Ultra' mentally.Are you ready?"Mr.Aizawa ask.

"Yes,sir!"We all said.

"I'm getting excited."Kaminari said.We all spent the entire day training with the clones Ectoplasm created.

I started training with using my Quirk because the improvement I've been making are usually in fighting skills but never really helped me with improving my Quirk.I also need to be very careful when using my Quirk after knowing I still have a lot of to discover about it.

"Not bad"He said watching me create a sword and a small shield made out of a moon's glow with my Quirk.I smiled embarrassed.

"Its an old trick I learnt from a video game"I said charging at him.It was useful since I'm able to block and attack every second.

"Is there more you can create?"He said after he broke my sword.I put on my thinking face.

"I suggest a spear.Its good for attacking and defending,itll also help you save your energy without having to make two"He said.I nod and made a spear.It was much more easier for me to move around since I wasnt holding two object.

"Is there anything I should know about your Quirk?"He ask after we finish our  combat.I thought for a second.

"The damage increases during night especially when the moon is shining on me"I said.

"Is there anything else you can do with your Quirk despite making weapons?"He said putting me in a tough situation.I always blast at people with it but never had any unique technique like Bakugou's.

"I guess there might be some.But it doesnt do much"I said slightly embarrassed.

"Dont worry that's why I'm here to teach you"He said.I then continued getting trained like the others.

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