>Koyuki's Origin<

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~Flashback Koyuki's P.O.V~
It was during middle school when I meet him,the year where I use to have short hair.Every class has someone weird and someone everyone hates,I'm one of those people.Everyone sees me as the class nerd someone they can make fun of.

It was one afternoon.I was struggling not to drop the test papers on the ground,I accidentally step on my shoe laces and fell on the ground.The paper scatter across the hallway.I quickly pick up the papers before anyone sees.

Then I saw a hand appeared.I look up to see a boy that must be the same age as me.He look at the paper than at me.I quickly look away and continue picking up the papers.

"Let me help you"He said picking up the papers.I watch as he does,this is probably the nicest thing someone has done to me.Thankfully we were able to collect all the papers before anyone saw the mess.He grab some of the papers so it wasent too heavy for me to carry.

"Thanks.Im Koyuki Suzuki."I said looking at him.He smiled catching me off-guard.He has the brightest smile I've seen.

"I'm Mirio Togata"He said.

After that day.We somehow became friends and I might've grew feelings for him.I wanted to tell him how I feel for him but I dont think he'll want that.I mean who wants to date the school nerd?

It's best I dont.It'll probably be best,it'll also save the embarrassment I'll go through if I did.It was like every normal day.I was just at the cafeteria eating lunch until a group of people approached me.

"Hey Suzuki.We kinda need some money"He said hinting he wants me to lend him some money.

"No I cant lend you money.Its against the school policy"I said.They look at each other exchanging a glance.

"THAT WASNT A QUESTION!"He said slamming his hand on the table causing all the attention on us.I tried leaving but the other guy blocked my path.

"I really cant"I said.

"Hey knock it off"Mirio said pushing the boy away.I stood behind Mirio.

"Aw.Is this your knight in shining armour?"One of them said joking around.

"What is going on here?"The teacher said walking in the cafeteria.The students that was watching us quickly look away trying not to grab the teacher's attention.

"Its nothing just--"One of the boys said trying to convince the teacher until Mirio interrupted him.

"He was trying to steal money from her"Mirio said.

"Seriously?!Again Yuji?"The teacher said before taking Yuji and his group to detention.

"Are you okay?"Mirio said looking at me.

"Can we talk somewhere else?"I said hiding my face.Everyone was looking at us.

"Okay"He said and we both went outside.Further away from the attention.

"Do they always do this?"Mirio ask.

"Dont worry I'm getting use to it."I said trying to smile.

"Nobody should get use to that.Why didnt you told me you were getting bullied?"He said grabbing my hand.I gently remove his hand away from mine trying not to seem rude.

"I'm fine really."I said.

"No you dont get it.Dont you know how much I care for you?"He said catching me off-guard.I look at him.

"Let's get back to class"I said trying to change the subject.He grab my wrist pulling me close to him,I place my hand on his chest trying not to fall.

"I love you"He said making me blush.No why is he confessing to me?Isnt he scared he'll get make fun of because of me?What do I say?Yes?No?

"Hey you two!I dont want any of those things especially at school!"The teacher said.Mirio quickly let go of me.

"Sorry we wont do that again!"Mirio said starting to apologise.My body froze.Those 3 words were enough to shut down my body.

I wasnt able to pay attention during classes.I quickly left the class once school ended.I stood outside the school waiting for Mirio and his friend Amajiki.Should I wait?No maybe I should go.

"Koyuki!"Mirio said waving at me.I tried my best to smile seeing him and his friend slowly approach me.

We walked back home in complete silence.Amajiki was the first to went back home leaving me with Mirio.Im glad he isnt bringing up about what happened during lunch but somehow it hurted me when he didnt.

"Hey..."He said making both of us to stop in our tracks.

"What is it?"I said.

"Did you forgot about earlier during lunch?The words I said?"He said looking all serious.I open my mouth trying to think of the words to say.In the end I didnt say anything.

"Its fine.Lets just go"He said walking away.I wanted to tell him how I really feel but I'm scared...

"Mirio..."I said stopping him from heading in his house,he looks at me confuse.

"Yes?"He said.

"I...I actually..."I look down trying to find the right words to say.

"I have feelings for you but I'm scared you'll reject me and we'll continue our life being strangers.I...I love you!"I said looking at Mirio.He looks like he was lost in thoughts,he's thinking of ways to reject me isnt he?

"You shouldve just said that earlier"He said smiling.My lips slowly form a smile.

"Come here"He said spreading his arms.I wrap my arm around his waist hugging him tightly.

"You dont know how many times I've been wanting to hug you"He said patting my head gently.I didnt knew but after that day we became a thing.We didnt told anyone about this aside Amajiki,his reaction was priceless but it seems like he knew me and Mirio were gonna be a thing.

~End of Flashback~
I was so grateful to have him in my life.I wouldnt be myself today if it wasnt for him.Now that I think about it,we didnt really have our first kiss yet.He gave me a smile once Y/N left.

"Cheesy boy"I said.

"Yeah but you love me for it"He said smiling.

*Koyuki is pretty much like the other Y/N who is born in a different timeline.You can also imagine Koyuki as the other you.If you know what I mean*

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