◇The Start◇

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I was now heading to Oceanic's agency,luckily she also had another agency here so we wouldn't have to book a ticket.It was a quiet walk because I just found out Koyuki is also working for Oceanic.Apparently her role is to make sure nothing bad happens to me.

"Y/N!Koyuki!My favourite people!"Oceanic said pulling us in a group hug,I was the only person who wasnt enjoying it.

"Its great to be back.Im glad you and Y/N had already met"She said after Oceanic let go of us.

"Of course.Im so thankful you chose my agency Y/N"Oceanic said.

"Oh before I forget it again.Here let me show you a surprise I've been wanting to show you"She said leading us somewhere.We all stood outside the door.

"I wanted to thank you for helping the companies that work for me.You also saved their job.Heres your reward"Oceanic said opening the door.Me and Koyuki walked in the room.

"I-is this my office?"I said looking around.


"Yup"Oceanic said closing the door

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"Yup"Oceanic said closing the door.She smiled seeing how mind blown I was.I sat on my office chair.I spin around while sitting on it.

"Not bad"Koyuki said.

"Oh does Koyuki have one too?"I said standing up.

"Mine is just next to yours"Koyuki said opening the door.I was wondering what that door was doing there,I walked through the door.

~Side by side offices~

"Oh my god just how rich are you?!"I said walking around Koyuki's office

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"Oh my god just how rich are you?!"I said walking around Koyuki's office.

"Very?"Oceanic said.

"So what do we have in plans today?"Koyuki said.They both watch as I explore the office like a kid.

"Its about some chemical me and Y/N found at the beach.The officers are assuming people are trading these drugs just so their Quirk can be 10 times stronger."Oceanic said.

"Really?So people are trading those things?"I said sitting on the comfy leather sofa.

"Sadly yes.The officers are still busy figuring out who are the people that started this trade.I guess your task today is maybe doing some research about it"Oceanic said.

"You know this is one of the reason I liked working under your agency.We dont have to patrol the block"Koyuki said stretching her arms while walking towards me.She sat beside me.

"That's Nighteye's work not ours.Well good luck with the research"Oceanic said before walking out the office.

"I better get back"I said and quickly went back to my office.I close the door that was connected to Koyuki's office.I sat on the sofa and place my hand on the desk.

"My very own office"I said smiling to myself.I expected to have an office soon but I didnt knew this soon.Okay focus Y/N!Do the research!I quickly switch on the computer.The logo of Oceanic's logo appeared when it started opening.

"Wow!"I said seeing how high tech the computer looks.I quickly look through the files Oceanic send to me.I look through the things the drug consists of.

"Oh god these chemicals are enough to make someone lose control"I said seeing the chemicals they found in that drug.To be honest I dont even know how many hours I spent looking through the files.

~Koyuki's P.O.V~
"This is easy."I said clicking through the files,I was doing well until my phone rang.I answered it.

"You know your gonna distract me right?"I said through the video call with Mirio.He was in his hero costume so he must be patrolling the city with Midoriya.

"I just miss you okay?"He said trying to act romantic but I was a fool to fall for it.

"Me too...So how are things there?"I said resting my head on the desk with my eyes still stuck on him.

"It was okay.We're taking a break right now."He said trying to hide that the fact he's sweating a bit.

"Liar.Ive been dating you for so many years and I know when your lying"I said smirking.

"Alright you got me.A little girl was asking for help."He said.

"That's it?"I said wanting to hear more.

"Midoriya wanted to protect her from a creepy stranger.I stopped him since I think it's best we dont start a scene"He said.

"Stranger?"I said.

"Its best I dont tell you yet"He said.

"So...I was thinking..."I said blushing.

"Hm?"He said impatiently.

"When should we--?"I then got interrupted by Midoriya.

"I'm back!"Midoriya said probably coming from the toilet.

"Let's talk later okay?Gotta bounce"He said smiling at me through the video call.

"Y-yeah bye"I said smiling.He ended the call.I rest my face on the cold surface of the table letting out a frustrated sigh.Why cant god just let me ask him when or how we are gonna have our first kiss?I wonder how his lips feels like on mine.

"Stop that!Focus!"I said slapping my cheeks.

"Ow"I said rubbing my cheeks.I should deal with this later.

~Y/N P.O.V~
"Good job detective Y/N.Another day of hard work"I said complimenting myself while stretching my tired body.

"I guess it's a lot of work huh?"Oceanic said standing at the door.I quickly stopped stretching and look at her flustered.Did she heard me?

"Here have a drink"She said placing the coffee on my table.She took a sip of hers.

"Any luck on finding who's behind it?"She said.

"Not really.I was just able to find out what the chemical consisted of"I said.

"Cant blame you.You must be a god if your able to know who with just this little information"She said.

"I guess that make sense"I said drinking coffee from the mug.It taste really good,the coffee machine here must be really good too.

"You,me and Koyuki will be patrolling the neighbourhood tomorrow.Nighteye informed me they wont be doing it tomorrow 'cause they have some kind of an important meeting"She said placing her empty mug on the table.

"I'm fine with that"I said smiling.Koyuki and I then head back to the dorms once we were done working.

"Y/N!How did it went?"Mina said once I open the door to the dorm.

"It went really well I even got my own office"I said smiling.

"That's so cool!"Kaminari said.

"Yeah"I said smiling.Ill be working for Oceanic's agency for the month so I better do my best.

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