○Underestimate me○

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We were all at Gym Gamma wearing the uniform from the sports festival.We watch as Togata started stretching,getting ready for our combat.Him Vs Us.

"Um...Are you serious?"Sero asks.

"Totally serious!"He said not bothering to look at us.

"Mirio you probably shouldn't."Amajiki said looking at the wall.

"He's so far!"Mineta said.

"For the work studies,it would've been enough for us to say,'This is how it was,and I learned a lot from it' Not everyone is filled to the brim with ambition.We cant end up with kids who are unable to recover after this."He said.

"Huh?"Mineta said.

"What does he mean by 'unable to recover'...?"Kirishima said.

"Oh,listen!Did you know?In the past there was a student who got so frustrated the student quit being a hero,and that caused all sort of problems.Did you know that?Its tough isnt it,Togata?"Hado said playing with Mina's horns.

"If you dont think things through properly,this'll be rough.Really rough."Koyuki said trying to change Togata's mind.

"Please stop.Please wait.Theres a handicap in place,but we've fought the pros before."Tokoyami said.

"And we've fought with villains before,too.Do we look like such weak small fry to you that you need to worry about us?"Kirishima said with a confident tone.

"Right,you can come at me anytime,from anywhere.Who's first?"Togata said.

"I'll...!"Kirishima was gonna finish his sentence until Midoriya interrupted him.

"Here I come!"Midoriya said.

"Unexpectedly,its Midoriya?!"Kirishima said trying to hide his embarrassment.

"This is good chance for all of you.Make sure you get the most out of this experience!"Mr.Aizawa said.

"Problem child!That's good!You really are energetic!"Togata said looking at Midoriya.

"All right!Well then,sir,thanks for showing us this kindness.I look foward to your teaching!"Kirishima said as we all prepare ourselves.Midoriya charged at Togata but suddenly Togata's clothes fell off.

"Ah!"Jiro said covering her face that was now turning red.

"Your clothes fell off just now!"Sero said.

"Oh,excuse me.The fine-tuning's tricky."He said struggling to wear his uniform.Midoriya quickly took this as an opportunity,he was gonna kick Togata in the face but his feet went through his head.Midoriya was able to land on the ground safely.

"You went for the face,huh?"He said looking at Midoriya.The rest of the class started aiming at Togata but it was no luck.It just went through him like nothing,hitting the concrete.

"Wait!"Iida said telling Sero,Aoyama and Mina to stop using their Quirk.

"He's gone!"I said once the smoke started vanishing.

"I'll start with the long-distance fighters!"Togata said appearing behind Jiro.

"He warped?"Shoji said.

"His power isnt just slipping through things?"Rikido said running towards Mirio.

"What kind of strong Quirk is that?!"Kirishima said running beside Rikido.

"That's not it.Mirio's Quirk isnt one to be jealous of.What you should be jealous of is his skill,first-year boy.After he was scouted and worked hard at his work study with a certain hero,Mirio was built up."Koyuki said as Togata slowly took out the class one by one.I stood with the other that was still standing.Our jaw dropped seeing half the class on the ground.

"Power!"Togata said.

"Mirio Togata...As far as I know,he's the man closet to being number one...including the pros."Mr.Aizawa said.

"He got more than half of them in an instant...He's the man closest to being number one..."Todoroki said standing beside Mr.Aizawa.

"You're not going?Its not like you arent interested in being number one,right?"Mr.Aizawa asks Todoroki.

"I didnt get my provisional license,so..."Todoroki said.

"You've calmed down,huh?That's it for the long-distance fighters.All that's left are the ones who focus on close combat,right? "Togata said looking at us.

"I have no idea what he just did!"Kirishima said.

"He's strong enough being able to slip through things,but he can even warp?"Uraraka said.

"Doesnt that make him unrivaled?"Ojiro said.

"Aw,stop that!"Togata said preparing his next move.

"I think theres some kind of trick here!Whether he's applying his 'slipping' power to warp,or applying his warp power to slip through things,he's attacking us directly,so as long as we go for the counter,there should be times when we can touch him!Then we should figure out assumptions with what we do know,and do whatever we can to find a way to win"Midoriya said.

"All right,thanks!Midoriya right after the house arrest is amazing!"Kirishima said.

"Then come and try to figure it out!"Togata said running towards us.We were all waiting for him to hit us,suddenly he slipped through the ground?He was nowhere to be seen.

"He went under!"I said.Togata appeared behind Midoriya,thankfully he was quick enough to attack him.He was gonna kick him in the face too bad Togata was able to avoid it.

"But here's an ultimate move--Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush!"Togata tricked Midoriya into thinking he was gonna punch him.Once Midoriya wasnt paying attention,Togata quickly hit him in the chest.

"Most people try to launch a counterattack like that,right?So then,of course,I'll train to go after those guys!"Togata said vanishing again,going back into the ground.

"Midoriya!"Iida said.Togato appeared behind Iida attacking him,Kirishima and slowly the rest.I laid on my back,he sent a hard punch to my stomach.

"Power!"He said.

"Ow"I whimper.We manage to get back on our feet.Well sort of...We stood in front of the Big Four.

"I tried to make it so you wouldnt be able to see my willy,but I'm sorry about that,girls.But anyway,you kind of get it now,right?"Togata said.The entire class were trembling in pain.

"Do you think my Quirk was strong?"Togata ask.

"It was too strong!"Sero said.

"That's not fair!Think about me,too!"Hagakure whines.

"You could slip through things and warp!Are you hybrid like Todoroki?"Mina ask.

"Nope,I've only got one."Togata said.

"Just one?"Midoriya said.

"I know!I know what his Quirk is.Hey,hey,can I say it?Can I?Its Permeation"Hado said.

"Hado,its Mirio's turn right now"
Amajiki said.

"That's right!My Quirk's Permeation.What you guys called a warp was,as you guessed,an application of that."Togata said.

"How exactly do you warp?"Midoriya ask.

"Psst"I look at Koyuki who was calling me over.I look at the class that was busy talking to Togata before heading towards her.

"Hey,we didn't get to talk properly last time"She said smiling.

"Yeah..."I said.

"I heard you have 3 boys falling for you.I guess you must be the class's player"She said.

"Player?!No I'm not!Where did you get that idea?"I said.

"I just ask some of the students from the other classes.Sorry that I called you a player"She said.Togata stood beside her wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Uh..."I said pointing at both of them.

"You should probably head back with the others"He said as the class slowly left the gym.

"O-okay"I said walking away.Are they both a thing?I mean I wouldnt be surprised.They both seem kinda perfect for each other.

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