Chapter 23

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"Okay. To be clear, everybody understands how important this game is, right?" I looked around, waiting for a response. Everybody nodded or said yes. "So, play hard. Be aggressive. Show them who wants the ball more, because they're gonna let their confidence get the best of them. They aren't as good this year. We better win this." I looked around at them to make sure everybody was on the same page. "Alright. Goalposts. 3v2."


"Alright, we just need to push forward as much as we can. If they get past our defense then it's over." I looked between Kempley and Lauren, my wing defenders and they nodded.

As soon as the whistle was blown, they stole the ball from us. It went back and forth for a while, nobody really getting far. By the end of the first half, the score was tied, two to two. Coach Jones told us who would be starting for the second half. "Mackenzie, are you sure you'll be okay to go back in as a starter? They've really been testing our defense and you didn't get switched out at all first half."

"I'm fine."

We started playing again until the clock had five minutes left. Somebody on our team kicked the ball out and people started switching out. Kempley ran up to me. "Coach wants me to play sweeper and you to be left forwards."

"I don't know how to—"

"Just look confident and stay wide and open." She gave me a push. I got in my spot and the sound of the whistle was the last thing I heard before the ball is thrown my way. I trapped it and dribbled towards the goal. "Jones. Over here!" I look over to see Marilyn holding her hand up. I passed the ball to her, running up.

"Back," I yelled. She passed the ball back to me and I looked up at the goal. I was extremely close.

I knew that if I don't take the opportunity to shoot, Kempley would never let me live it down. I kicked the ball at the top right corner. The goalie jumps, but the ball flew over her head, making a satisfying noise as it hit the net.

"Hell yeah!" I looked to my left to see Billie leaning against a fence, smiling.

I forgot she said she was coming. The ref blew the whistle and I ran to catch up to Kempley. "Nice shot, M."

"Thanks. I'm extremely surprised it didn't hit a post or go over, honestly." I laughed. "I was expecting it to."

"Well, it didn't and we're going to state, bitch!" Kempley nudged me. I shook my head at her.

"Congratulations on your win, girls," Coach Jones looked at us as we gathered in a circle. "You played a good game. Looks like we're going to state. If you're not staying for the boy's game, you can get going. Don't forget to grab the balls and stuff."

I picked up the bag with our practice balls in it and started walking away. Starlit grabbed the bag from me and nodded towards Billie, smiling. "Go."

"Are you sure? I can take the bag."

"Yesss. Go." She pushed me. "Watching her smile at you from across the field is making me feel very lonely. I need to get a boyfriend."

I laughed. "Starlit."

"I'm kidding, but for real. Go ahead. I don't mind."

"Okay. See ya later." I ran over to where Billie was.

"That was a good game, but the face you make when your playing is very scary," Billie said, engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm sweaty but thanks." I looked down at my cleats as we walked towards her car, my cheeks heating up.

We got in and I buckled up. "Hey, the boys have to play now, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So, can I take you somewhere and you can just tell your mom you had to stay for their game too," she asked hopefully.

"Sure. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." She backed out of the parking lot and started driving.

"Okay, but I'm taking these damn shin guards off. This shit hurts." I took my shin guards off and set them in the floorboard.

After making a stop at her house, she drove down a long, empty road, pulling to a stop at a random spot. "Okay. Here we are. Now, don't laugh at me because this is very unlike me, but I think you'll like it since you're into all that cheesy romance shit."

We got out of the car and she grabbed the bag she got from her house. "What is this?"

She interlocked her fingers in mine. "You'll see. If you laugh at me, I'm gonna tickle you to death," she said sternly, pointing a finger at me.

"Okay. I'm not gonna laugh." What the hell were we doing that is so embarrassing to her?

She came to a sudden halt somewhere in the grass and unzipped her bag, pulling out a blanket. She laid it down and sat on it. "Ta-da!" She pulled out a bag of Taki's, some burritos, and a Tupperware bowl.

I sat down, grabbing her face and pulling her into a kiss. "You are too fucking cute."

She smiled, her nose wrinkling. She was so precious. I didn't know what I did to deserve her. "Well, you're about to like me a lot more." She grabbed the bowl and took the top off. It had watermelon it.

I gasped, taking the bowl from her. "You're my favorite person."

She frowned. "Who was it before?"

"You," I said, grabbing a piece of the watermelon. "You're even more my favorite person now though."

"Okay." She laughed.

"I have to know," I said, setting the bowl of watermelon down and turning to her. "What made you do this?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "You. I was just thinking about you and we've never really been on an actual date. It's kinda hard since I can't go to any public place without being recognized, but there's nobody around here besides us."

"Yeah." She laid back on the blanket and pulled me down onto her, kissing my neck. I laid my head down on her chest and looked at her. She put her hand on my jaw, running her thumb over my cheek.

"God, you're so fucking gorgeous." She bit her lip, shaking her head.

I hoped she couldn't see that I was blushing since it was kind of dark. She laughed and presses a kiss to my forehead, leading me to believe that she was able to see me blushing. "Mackenzie," she said in a sing-songy voice. "Guess what?"

I raised my eyebrows and just as I was about to ask "what", she grabbed my side and tickled me.

I curled up into a ball, slapping her hand away. "I'm gonna fucking choke you."

"Is that a threat or a promise, Cameron?"

I gasped and laughed. "Billie!"

She chuckled. "Okay, okay. Calm down... but you didn't answer my question."

I glanced up at her and shrugged. "Guess you'll have to wait and see." Her cheeks turned pink and she looked at me, surprised.

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now