Chapter 59

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"I just want you to know, they can be a little much. They're probably going to act like they don't like you. They're probably going to have something to say about a lot of what we do, but that doesn't mean they don't like you. They're weird. They're not completely supportive of same-sex relationships, but they won't give us crap about it. I'm sorry if they're mean."

"It's gonna be fine, okay? Stop getting so stressed out over it." Billie wraps an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to her, kissing my cheek.

"Okay." We walk up the long, circular driveway to the Victorian themed mansion. The colors are faded and the trees are all leafless.

"God damn. Who's house is this again?" Billie turns to me.

"My grandmas. She lives in a whole different world. I can't wait to see what she's wearing. I'm sure it's probably some old, Victorian dress or some shit. And that's just to greet us."

We knock on the door and a man opens it. "Well, hello there. You weren't expected for another hour. Come in. I'll summon your grandmother."

We step into the large house. "Holy... this shit is crazy. Oh my God." Billie looks around wide-eyed.

"Mackenzie! Oh joy! It's been so long." My grandma shuffles over to me, her outfit just as I imagined it. She gives me a quick hug and then circles around me for a minute. "Hm... take a deep breath and hold it." I look at her confusedly for a second and then do as she says. "That's how you should be standing. Your posture is terrible."

I can see Billie immediately stand up straight after that. I laugh a little. "Don't be rude now, Mackenzie," she says. "Do introduce me."

"Of course. This is Billie."

"Her name is Billie?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Well, that's unique..." Oh, God. I knew I shouldn't have brought her here. "I love it."

"Oh." Billie sighs.

"I'm Carolyn. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard a lot. I just previously assumed you were a young man."

"Grandma, that's rude," I point out.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Anyways, Zachary, come here, dear." The man from earlier comes into the room. He looks to be in his twenties. His eyes are green and his neatly combed hair is light brown. "Show them to their room please."

"Follow me," he says, walking up a staircase.

"Okay." We follow him and he leads us through a few hallways before opening a door. There's a small white fireplace on the far side. The paint is chipping. There's a huge bed on the left wall. A chandelier hangs in the middle of the room and there's a small couch on the right wall.

"Wow," Billie gawks. "This is crazy."

"I know."

Billie looks out of the window and gasps. "Oh my God. She has horses?"

"Yeah." I stand beside her and look out of the window at the stables. "Can you ride?"

She looks at me excitedly. "It's been a minute."

"Well, let's go."


"So I'm not understanding why you didn't wanna come yet," Billie says, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Just wait until everybody else gets here. Trust me, they're definitely on that yeehaw bullshit."

She laughs. "Oh, boy."

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now