Chapter 66

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Okay. I would like to start this off by saying I'm sorry for being absent for so long. If you don't want to read this then you can just skip to the chapter. A lotttt has been happening. My aunt has no idea who anybody is due to a brain injury. She's in the hospital but nobody can see her because of the coronavirus. It's been very hard for my family and a lot of them live far away so they've been staying at my house. It's been very chaotic. Along with that, my clown of a father decided that he wanted to see me. So we had a lovely trip to the jailhouse to get his money... doesn't that sound nice? :)))) Talk about family bonding. Anyways... on with the chapter. Sorry for that.

"When did that happen?"

"Act like you didn't know when he tells you later, okay?"

"Got it," I say. "Now tell me."

She laughs, her cheeks turning red. "It was so cute but it was like the corniest thing ever. He brought me to a fancy restaurant and proposed."

"That's so amazing. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank y—"

"So, what're we talking about," Billie asks as she and Finneas walk into the room.

"Claudia's new haircut," I lie.

Billie nods, sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek.

Finneas leans against the wall. "Me and Billie ordered a pizza."


Brian sits down in Billie's lap and she kisses his head. "You need a haircut, buddy."

He laughs, holding a plastic piece of bread in front of her mouth.

She pretends to eat it and he throws it on the floor. "Was it good?"


"Here go." He holds out a fake piece of broccoli.

"Eww. Broccoli's nasty. Wait. How'd you cook it?"

"Uhh..." He shrugs. "I don't know."

"Is it soggy?"

"Umm... yeah."

"Eww!" She takes it and throws it.

He laughs and copies her. "Eww! Brolloci nasty!"

"Broccoli," she corrects.


"Broccoli," she says slowly.


"There you go." She smiles, tickling him.

"Stop it," he yells, pointing a finger at her. 

She holds her hands up in surrender. "Geez. Yes, sir."

"Okay." He leans back against her and yawns.

There's a knock at the door. "Probably the pizza," Finneas says.

"I'll get it." I stand up and walk to the front door, opening it. I take the pizzas and set them on the table. I go back into the room. "Pizza's on the table."

"Okay." Claudia and Finneas go into the kitchen.

I look down at Brian. He's sleeping. Billie slowly stands up and tries to set him on his bed, but he holds onto her. "No," he whines.

She picks him up again and he wraps his legs around her, laying his head on her shoulder. "Such a brat," she jokes as we walk into the kitchen.

I laugh and sit down across from Finneas. Billie takes the seat to my right. "It's been a minute since we've all hung out," I say.

"Yep," Finneas agrees with a nod. "We've had a lot going on."


Billie laughs. "Like what?"

Finneas and Claudia look at each other and then back at us. "Well." Finneas clears his throat and scratches his head. "Okay. Claudia and I got engaged."

Billie gasps. "For real, dude?"

Finneas nods.

"Oh my God. Did you tell mom yet?"

"Yeah. She was the first one to know."


I laugh. "Shut up, Billie."


"Bye." I hug Claudia and then Finneas as we all say our goodbyes.

They leave after a few minutes.

"I'm gonna put him in his bed." I pick Brian up off of the couch and lay him in his bed. I pull the covers over him and Billie wraps her arms around my waist from behind, pulling me into her.

"Tired," she asks, kissing my jaw.

I look up at her, waiting for her to kiss me again and nod.

She closes the space between us and connects our lips. "Let's go to bed."


I run into our room and jump onto the bed. Billie does the same thing, landing next to me. I laugh and look over at her. Her black and green hair spills out around her. I brush out of her face so that I can see her. She smiles at me as I put my hand on her cheek.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too." She turns her head and kisses my hand before groaning and sitting up. "I need to change."

I laugh, pulling my shirt off and getting under the covers. She changes into a plain white shirt and some shorts. "I'm so happy for them. They really deserve the best."

"Yeah." I nod as Billie climbs into the bed.

"They've been together for a while now too."

"Mhm," I hum in response and yawn.

She hooks her leg around mine and pulls me closer to her, resting her head on top of mine. "It's been an interesting day, huh?"

I laugh. "Yeah."

"I can't believe he told mom before me. I mean, sure. She might have birthed him but... no, that's fair, I guess. Go to sleep. Stop talking to me. You're confusing me."

"I hate you. I'm not even saying anything. You need to go to sleep, you delusional wackadoo."

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now