Chapter 29

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I forced my eyes open and looked at the name. It was Claudia. I answered and held the phone up to my ear. "We doing this or not?" she asked.

"Doing what?" My voice came out groggy and I cleared my throat.

"It's April fools day. Remember? We're gonna set up a bunch of stuff for Finneas and Billie."

"Oh, yeah," I said, excitedly. "I forgot about that."

"Do you want me to pick you up?"

I got out of bed and walked over to my closet. "Yeah."


We walked in and tried not to make a bunch of noise, which was hard for me because I was clumsy as hell. Maggie walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "Hey, girls. They're both still asleep, so you're good to go."

I nodded and looked at Claudia. "What's first?"

"The one that'll be the most fun to watch. We're gonna go mess with Billie's car." She laughs.

"What are we gonna do?"

"We're gonna put this..." She held up a broken window decal. "On her windshield."

"Wait, but won't she be able to tell," I asked.

"Not until she really gets close and examines it."

"Oh, okay."

We went outside and put the decal on her windshield. "What now?"

Claudia grinned. "We're gonna put dye pellets in the showerhead and faucet to change the color of the water."

"What did they do to you for April Fools Day that makes you want to get them back so bad?" I walked towards the upstairs bathroom with Claudia following.

"Well," she started. "Last year Billie woke me up and made me think there was a fire and I was pretty pissed."

"I'm not surprised." I laughed.

"She deserves this."


I sat down on a stool by the counter beside Claudia. "They're taking forever to wake up."

"I know. Should we go mess with them?"

"Mm." I thought for a second. "Yeah." I ran upstairs to Billie's room and jumped on the bed, kissing her nose. "Wake up, baby." She groaned and rolled over. I kissed her again.  "Wake up."

She pulled me down onto her and sighed. "Five more minutes?"

"Fine." I waited a little while before standing up.

"Mackenzie." Billie reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me back down.

I laughed. "Billie, get up."

"Okay, I'm getting up," she said, but closed her eyes again.

I stared at her for a minute. "Yeah. I give up."

"Alright. I'm getting up. For real." She stood up and hugged me from behind. I looked up and she kissed me. "I'm gonna get dressed and take a shower, okay?"

"Okay." She walked into the bathroom and turned the water on, grabbing her toothbrush. The water came out as red and she jumped away from the sink.

"What the fuck!" she yelled. I laughed and sat on her bed.

"Yeah. You're gonna have to let the water run for a minute." I scratched my forehead.

She brushed her teeth and shut the door to get in the shower. The water turned on and just after, Billie yelled again. "Mackenzie! Fix it!" For a minute I thought she might've been mad, but then she laughed. I opened the door and walked in. She was holding a towel around her and she had green water drops all over her face. I couldn't help but laugh. "You're so annoying."

I unscrewed the showerhead and took the pellet out, throwing it in the trash before screwing the showerhead back on. She thumped my head. "Ow!"

"That's what you get." She grinned. I left and went downstairs, looking for Claudia.

"I just scared the hell out of Finneas." She laughed.

"What'd you do?"

"I put the huge, fake bug in his lampshade and he flipped out when he turned it on," she said.

Maggie called up the stairs to Billie. "Billie, you have a package!"

"One second," she yelled, her voice sounding muffled. A minute later, she came downstairs. "What the fuck is this?"

"Billie! Language, please."

She picked up the cylindrical box and started opening it. She pulled the top off and glitter flew out, getting all over her. She looked over at me and I tried not to laugh, but failed. "I'm gonna kill you."

I ran out the front door to get away from her and she followed me, but suddenly stopped in the doorway. "What the fuck, bro!" She sounded genuinely angry this time.

I turned around, startled at her sudden yelling. Then, I saw her windshield. I tried my best to look surprised as she made her way over to it. She rubbed her finger across the sticker and then looked up at me, laughing. "You little—" She started running towards me and I sprinted into the backyard. She caught up and I turned around to look at her just in time for her to push me into the pool. Her mom scolded her for pushing me in and Claudia laughed at the video that she got of it.

I came up and wiped my face. "Billie!"

"You completely deserved that." She grinned.

I lifted myself out of the pool and walked towards her, my clothes heavy from the water. "You want a hug?" I wiggled my eyebrows and held my arms out.

"No." She backed away. "You better not." I quickly wrapped my arms around her before she got a chance to run and she groaned.

I pulled my jacket off and wrung it out. "Look what you did, Billie. I'm soaked."

"I almost had a heart attack when I saw my windshield!"

I laughed, remembering the look on her face. "That was pretty funny."

"You know what else is funny," she asked. I raised my eyebrows and she pushed me into the pool again.

"Billie!" I grabbed onto the side of the pool and threw my leg up onto the concrete before pulling myself completely out, laying on the ground. "Wet clothes are heavy. Speaking of, I don't have anything to wear, whore."

"Chill. I got you." She helped me up and we went to her room. She looked through her closet and I jumped up and down.

"Hurry up! I'm cold."

"I'm trying to find a shirt that won't look like a dress and some pants that might actually stay on your tiny, little, short ass." She laughed.

I crossed my arms. "I am not short!"

"Okay," she said, sarcastically.

She gave me some grey sweat pants and a black T-shirt. I tried to pull my shirt off but the wet fabric stuck to my skin and got stuck once I got it up to my head. "Ugh! Billie, help me."

I turned to the general direction that I thought she was in, my shirt blocking my vision. She struggled to catch her breath because she'd been laughing so hard at me. "Okay."

She pulled my shirt the rest of the way off and I huffed before I continued changing into the dry clothes. "Thank you."

We went back downstairs and everybody was sitting in the living room. "Alright, guys. This is my best Billie impression. It's gonna be really good."

I put on my best resting bitch face and held the crotch of my pants, walking through the living room. I stopped in front of them and made the llama face she always made. Billie playfully scoffed. "Whatever, dude. That's not what I look like." Everybody turned to look at her, mutually agreeing that it was pretty on point.

I plopped down beside her and patted her cheek, smirking. She shook her head, but smiled. "I hate you."

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now