Chapter 65

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I hum along to "Party Favor" as I sweep the living room. Billie taps my shoulder and I pull one of my AirPods out. "What?"

"He won't get in the bath. He's crying and saying he's scared."

"Umm. Okay. Switch. You sweep. I'll get him in the bath." I hand her the broom.

"Oookay." She starts sweeping and I tilt my head.

"What the fuck are you doing, Billie?"

"I'm sweeping," she says.

I close my eyes and sigh, shaking my head. "You poor, non-domestic child."

"Shutup. I'm doing it right."

"Uh..." I watch as she accidentally scatters the neatly swept pile of whatever the fuck is on our floor. "Okay. I'll deal with this later."

I walk into the bathroom. Brian is hiding behind the door. I pull him out and sit on the side of the bath. "I thought you love baths."

"I'm scared," he cries.


He shakes his head. "No, I'm scared."

"Yeah, but why?"

"I'm sorry."

I think for a minute. "Why don't you wanna take a bath? It'll be quick. I promise."

"It's cold."

"No, it's not." I stick my hand in the water. "Feel it."

"No!" He runs away.

I grunt out of frustration. "Fuck it!"

"Hey," Billie says sternly, placing a hand on my cheek. "Calm down. Everything's fine. He'll come around. Make him feel it."

"He won't."

"I know. That's why I said to make him."

I sigh. "Okay." I walk into his room and pull him out from under his bed.

He squirms in my arms. "Stop! Put me down!"


He starts crying when I carry him into the bathroom and latches onto me. "No!"

I pry him off and slowly set him in the bath. "See?"

He stops crying and looks at the water, laughing. He raises his shoulders, a big smile on his face. "It's not cold!"

"I know," I reply, matching his excitement.

"Told you," Billie yells.

"Okay. Trade back. I feel bad. You can't sweep for the life of you."


"What the hell—I mean heck, bro? You just knocked down my tower!"

Brian lets out a cheeky laugh. "Oops. I sorry."

"It's okay. Don't knock this one down until we're done."


A little while later, Billie calls me into Brian's room. "Baby, come here!"

I walk into the room. "What?"

"Look at how awesome we are. Look at our tower. It's as tall as him."

I step further into the room and look at the tower that they made out of blocks. "Wow."

"Can—can I break it," Brian asks.

"Hold on. Let me take a picture."

"Okay!" He jumps excitedly. He loves taking pictures. Billie holds the phone up to take a picture. "No, I wanna see."

"Wait. One like this and then you can take another one, okay?"

"Okay." He smiles and she takes a picture. "I wanna see."

"Here." She shows him the picture and he laughs.

"Another one." He sits in her lap and takes her phone. "How I do it?"

"Let me show you." They take a few pictures and she sets her phone down, kissing his cheek and hugging him. "You're so cute."

He stands up. "Can I break it?"

"Go ahead." She backs away.

He jumps in the air and swings his arms at it, screaming. "Smash!"

After watching him play for a little longer, we go into the living room. Billie sits on the couch and holds her arms out. "Come hereeee."


I straddle her and rest my forehead on her shoulder, closing my eyes. She lazily wraps her arms around my waist, kissing my shoulder. "Finneas and Claudia want to come over. Cool?"


She types on her phone for a minute and then tosses it to the side, tightening her grip on me. "I love you," she mumbles into my shoulder.

"I love you too." I yawn.

"What time did you go to bed last night?"

"I don't know. I was watching The Office and scrolling through Instagram for a while. I couldn't get to sleep without you."

"Why didn't you wake me up and make me come in there then?" She laughs.

"You looked so cute and peaceful. I didn't want to mess with you."

"I wouldn't have cared," she replies.

"I know."

"Look at me." She lifts her shoulder a little, getting me to sit up. She puts her hands on my cheeks, her eyes scanning my face. "You're so fucking pretty."

I bite my lip as my cheeks heat up and rest my forearms on her shoulders, interlocking my fingers behind her neck. The front door swings open and Claudia and Finneas walk in. I stand up and give them both a hug. Finneas and Billie start talking about something.

"Where's Brian? I wanna see him." Claudia peels behind me.

"In his room. Come on." I walk with her to his room and she crouches down beside him, saying something about one of his toys. I can't help but notice the ring on her left ring finger. It looks expensive. Did Finneas... Did they... Hold on...

Claudia looks at me and then down at her hand, quickly hiding it. "You didn't—Damnit!"

"Whoa. You're fucking kidding. Did Finneas propose?" I make sure to keep my voice down. Now I know who I'm not going to call if I ever have to kill a bitch. She can't even hide a damn engagement—how is she supposed to help me hide a body? She'd probably tell the police where the body was while she's got their blood all over her clothes. What the fuck?


What the fuck is my life? Sorry for waiting so long to update. Shit's crazy right now. Updates are going to be slower. Not as slow as this one was but also not every day like it was...

I need to rant. I'm about to kill my whole family.

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now