Chapter 47

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"So, this is goodbye then," I mumble against her chest.

She sets her head on mine. "Cameron, I don't think that we can stay together, being away from each other for this long."

Tears prick at my eyes as I let go of her and step back. My heart feels like it's being torn out of my chest as I try to process what she said. Is she breaking up with me? "Wha... what are you saying, Billie."

"I'm saying that..." She bites her lip and looks up at me, nervously. "I want you to come on tour with me."

I punch her arm and she groans. "Don't scare me like that, Eilish!"

"Oh, my god. I'm sorry! What'd you think I was saying?" She holds her arm where I punched her.

"I thought you were breaking up with me or something." I huff.

"My bad, dude. Geez." She crinkles her nose. "You punch hard."

"I can punch harder," I warn. "And I will if you ever say some stupid shit like that again. I was about to pop off. You're not even allowed to break up with me, so go ahead and try one day." I shake my head. "See if I don't beat your ass," I mumble.

"God damn!" She laughs. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I don't need you to punch me again, but I do need you to kiss me." She pulls me in by my waist and kisses me. "So, is this a yes?"

"Yeah. I have to ask my dad, but he's never home anymore, so I don't see why it would matter."

"God." Starlit lets out a breath. "That was nerve racking."

"Okay, now you need to pack a bag because we have to go in like an hour." She laughs, grabbing my hand.


We leave the airport and go back to the hotel where everybody else is staying. Billie knocks on Finneas and Claudia's door. Claudia opens the door. "Look who I brought," Billie says excitedly.

"Mackenzie!" She pulls me into a hug. "I'm really surprised Billie lasted as long as she did."

"What do you mean," I ask.

"I mean she's completely crazy without you." She leans over and whispers in my ear. "And slightly intolerable. We were all losing our minds."

I raise my eyebrows and inhale sharply through my teeth. "Yeah, I definitely understand."

"We need to get to the venue," Finneas says, standing up.

"Yeah," Billie agrees. "We should get going."


Claudia says something to me, but I can't hear anything over the intense yelling of Billie's fans, chanting her name. Billie gives me a quick kiss before running on stage. I'm excited. I've never seen Billie perform live before. I watch as she starts jumping around to the music.

The concert seems to go by fast. It was a roller coaster. One minute she was jumping around to the music, the next minute she was crying. I don't understand how she can sing so well while she's jumping around. She's so fucking talented. I don't know how I got so lucky.

They all walk off stage as "Goodbye" starts playing. "That was amazing!"

"Thank you, baby." I follow her to the green room where she grabs a bottle of water.

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now