Chapter 31

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We walked inside and Finneas immediately accuses Billie of eating something that he had in the fridge.

"I didn't eat it, you dumbass! That shit's nasty." Billie thumped Finneas' forehead.

"I'm not a dumbass. You're a dumbass!" Finneas snapped back.

"Let's all just stop calling each other dumbasses," Maggie piped up. "I don't like you guys saying dumbass or calling each other dumbasses."

Patrick decided to step in. "Okay. All of you stop saying dumbass. Maggie, telling them not to call each other dumbasses and that you don't like them saying dumbass, is just you saying dumbass even more—look, now I'm doing it!"

Billie laughed, clearly amused by the argument. "My bad. I'll stop calling Finneas a dumbass."

"Thank you—Wait a second!" Maggie shook her head. "Alright. Disperse! Billie, go do something. Finneas, I'll get you some more of whatever it was. This is what happens when you store stuff in our fridge. You know Billie will eat basically anything that's vegan and gluten-free."

Finneas threw his head back and groaned. Billie stuck her tongue out at him and then grabbed my hand. "Let's go upstairs." We went upstairs and she sat on the bed, pulling me onto her lap. I winced. My legs were hella sore. I couldn't do very much without them hurting. "Are you okay?" she asked, worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm just sore from practice yesterday."

"Oh. My bad. How was your day, baby?"

"It was okay. Practice was terrible." I shook my head, thinking back to when I passed out. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. That was so embarrassing.

Billie laughed, placing a hand on my cheek. "What happened?"

"Nothing, really. It was just hard." I didn't want to tell her that I passed out. She'd kill me.

She gave me a knowing look. "I know you're lying."

I raised my eyebrows and shook my head. "No, I'm not."

"I can tell when you're lying. You always raise your eyebrows and talk fast when you're lying. Not to mention, you always blush." She smiled, patting my cheek. "So, tell me."

I looked away from her, chewing on the inside of my lip. "I passed out."

"You what?" she asked. "Why?"

"Because I overexerted myself," I said, mocking Kempley's voice on the word "overexerted."

Billie sighs, swiftly bringing her hand up to scratch her forehead. I flinched and lean back, blocking my face. She looked at me, concerned. "Sorry," I quickly apologized. "It's just a habit."

She sighed, resting her head on my shoulder. "I know, baby. It's okay. You need to be careful, though."

I threw my head back. "I know, I know. Kempley already got mad at me for it."

She kissed the corner of my mouth and laughed. "Okay."

I turned in her lap so that I was facing her, wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. She put her face in the crook of my neck and let out a content hum, kissing my shoulder.


The door flew open and Finneas and Claudia came in, plopping down on the bed. "Hey, we're coming in here to annoy you guys, because we're bored," Finneas said outright and I laughed. We sat around, talking about random stuff for a little while until we couldn't think of anything else to talk about.

"You guys wanna watch a movie," Claudia asked, raising an eyebrow and everybody nodded in agreement.

"What are we gonna watch?" Billie looked around at all of us.

"Ooh! Let me pick! Please!" I grabbed the remote, excitedly. "Come on. I agreed to watch Insidious."

Billie rolled her eyes but smiled. "Okay. You can pick."

"Yay! You can't go back on that, by the way." She wasn't gonna like the movie at first glance, I was sure, but I think she'd end up liking it.

"Oh, no... what are you putting on?"

"You'll see." I laughed, typing the name of the movie into the Netflix search bar.

"I love this movie!" Claudia sat up.

"What the fuck is..." Billie squinted to make sure she was reading it right. "Invader Zim: Enter The Florpus?"

"It's really great. Just watch." I clicked on the movie and sat in between Billie's legs, leaning back onto her. She kissed my head and laid back.

We watched the movie in peace until it got to the part where Gir sang a song about peace. Claudia and I sang along. "Peace is nice. Peace is nice. Peace is better than chicken and rice! Peace, peace, peace. Nice, nice, nice. Peace, peace, chicken, chicken, rice, rice, rice!"

"Damn, that slaps," I joked.

"For sure," Claudia agreed.


"That shit was hard, dude," Billie said. I looked up at her and laughed. "It was."

"We're gonna go home. Obviously Claudia's tired." He shook Claudia's shoulder and told her to wake up.

"Love you, Bil." He kissed her forehead.

"Love you."

He hugged me. "See ya later, Mack."

I waved. "Bye." Claudia got on his back and he walked out, leaving the door open.

Billie sighed. "Damnit, Finneas." She got up and shut the door. Billie laid back down, putting her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair and shut my eyes.


I opened my eyes and looked over at Billie. She was laying on her stomach, watching The Office on her phone. I laid on her back and put my head on her shoulder, kissing her cheek. "Morning, baby."

"Good morning," she said, giving me a peck on the forehead. I got up to brush my teeth. "Baby," she whined.

"Hold on. Let me just brush my teeth." I laughed, looking at her in the mirror. I brushed my teeth and went back into her room.

"I'm hungry," she said.

"Okay, wha—"

"I'm hungry."

"Well, wha—"

"I'm hungry."

"I'm gonna kill you." I turned around and looked at her, trying to look annoyed, but then she smiled and I couldn't help but smile. She was so fucking beautiful. Even with her messy hair and tired eyes. She was so fucking beautiful. "What do you want?"

"Burritos," she said in a weird voice.

I looked at the time. It was around nine in the morning. "It's only nine o'clock, Bil."

"I want burritos, burritos, burritos. Please," she said in a sing-song voice, shutting her eyes.

I shook my head and pressed my lips onto hers. "Okay. We can get burritos."

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now