Chapter 26

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"Mmm," I looked at Matt for a second. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? He's my brother too." Matt crossed his arms.

"Yeah, but he doesn't even like you," I pointed out. "And he barely knows you. You never talk to him."


"So, I'm not letting you take him anywhere." I started walking away. "Plus, dad is gonna be home in like half an hour and he'd be pissed if he knew that you're trying to take Brian with you, so that you can look cute... or whatever you said you were doing." He groaned. "Yeah, I don't know what happened to you. It's not my fault that mom must've given you the uglies."

He laughed. "Who told you that?"

"My girlfriend, because I don't have to use a baby to get one." I smiled sarcastically and walked upstairs to take a shower. I got out of the shower and looked at my phone. I had a message from Claudia.

claudia: you should come over

me: got it

I waited for my dad to get home before I left. He'd been gone a lot lately and it was really starting to get annoying. He had also been drinking again. I grabbed the hoodie that I took from Billie and pulled it over my head. "Alright, I'm out." I texted Claudia and told her that I was on my way.


I knocked on the door and Finneas opened it. "Hey, Mackenzie." He pulled me into a hug.

I smiled. "Hey, Fin."

I heard a gasp from the living room. "Mackenzie?" Billie ran in and wrapped her arms around me.

I laughed and kissed her. "Hey."

"I've been so bored. Claudia told me to come over and they've been boring, so you better not be boring."

"I'll try," I said.

"Okay... so entertain me. I'm bored."

"I don't know what you expect me to do." She threw her head back and sighed. I took the opportunity to tickle her side and ran away. I jumped onto the couch and pulled my hoodie over my knees, tucking my arms and head in. She scooped me up and took my spot, setting me in her lap. I didn't trust her. It was a trap.

"Mackenzie," she said in a sing-songy voice. I'd learned that when she said my name like that, she was going to mess with me.

"I surrender! Leave me alone!"

"I'm just trying to give you a hug," she said and I could just hear her smirk. I didn't even have to see it.

"Yeah, right." She hugged me and although I had a feeling that hugging me was not what she was doing, I stuck my head out. My hair was staticky from being rubbed against the fabric of the hoodie. She laughed at my hair and combed her fingers through it to fix it. Her hand rested on my cheek as she scanned my face. I buried my head in the space between her neck and shoulder.

"I told you I was just hugging you," she said. I could feel the vibration of her voice. "But I lied." She tickled me and I laughed until I could barely breathe.

"Billie—stop." I laughed. "Please—I can't breath." She stopped tickling me and grinned. "That was not even fair. I didn't get you nearly as bad."

"Baby," she said, tilting her head forward. "What did you expect?"


"Just do it." She sighed heavily.

"Why? I'm in a comfortable spot."

"I can find you an even more comfortable spot. Now come on!" She laughed.

"Oh my God. Okay, fine." She held her shirt up and I got inside of it with her.

"Alright. Hold on."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and stood on her feet. "What was the point of this, Bil?"

"Now we are one!" She started wobbling around and then fell onto the bed, me landing on top of her. We both laughed for a minute. "See, I told you I'd find you an even more comfortable spot." It was an extremely comfortable spot.

I pressed a kiss to her collarbone and decided to mess with her. "Yeah. It also has a hell of a view, so..."

She gasped. "Mackenzie Cameron Jones!" She was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. "You know what I think?"


"It's just extremely uncomfortable sleeping with multiple layers on, so you should probably take this off." She tugged at my shirt.

"But, Billie, you sleep in—"

"Shh!" She pulled my shirt off and laid back down, tracing small shapes on my back. Her skin was soft and warm on mine. She wrapped her legs around me and I hid my face in her neck. She laughed and I can feel the vibration on my forehead.


I looked around for a minute, confused. I was still inside of Billie's shirt. I tried to get away without waking her up, but failed. Her eyes fluttered open and she gave me a soft smile. "Morning, mama," she mumbled.

"Good morning, baby."

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now