Chapter 46

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I take a drink of the strange smoothie that Kempley made and grimace. I turn to Starlit and she has a similar look on her face. "I mean, it's not that bad," Starlit says.

I put a hand on Kempley's shoulder. "No, it's definitely that bad."

She frowns and grabs my cup, taking a drink. "Ew. No, that's bad."

I laugh and sit down on a stool next to Starlit. "It's been so long since we've all three hung out. Especially now that we're out of school."

They both nod. "Yeah."

"Oh! I don't even know if I told you guys." Starlit turns to face us and smiles. "Andrew finally asked me out."

"Ooh." I poke her side and tease her. "Starlit's got a boyfriend."

Her cheeks turn pink and she smacks my hand. "Stop."

"Me and Derrion have officially been dating for five months as of yesterday," Kempley says. "I feel like it went by so fast and he's even going to a college that's near mine."

"Couldn't be me." Starlit shakes her head. "I don't think I could handle anymore school. I'm too stupid."

"I mean, if you'd just apply yourself." I raise my eyebrows, taking a drink of my water.

"Shutup! You're not going to college either."

"Yeah, and that's by choice," I point out. "I got offered a scholarship to go to the same college as Kempley. I just don't want to go to college."

"Really," she asks, and I nod. "That's okay. We can work at McDonalds together."

"Um. I don't know about that."

"Well..." Kempley chuckles. "You just have high hopes for your future, don't ya, Starlit?"

"For sure." Starlit nods. "Anyways... how's everything with Billie, Mack?"

I purse my lips and look away from her. She looks to Kempley, questioningly. "Touchy subject at the moment," Kempley explains. "Billie's been on tour for almost a month and it's been hard on her."

"Oh, sorry for bringing it up."

"You're good. Let's not worry about that right now. You guys wanna watch a movie?"




Kempley's phone rings, so I pause the movie. She looks at it, confusedly, and stands up. "Sorry, I gotta take this." She walks outside and I turn to Starlit.

She wiggles her eyebrows and shrugs. "Maybe it's Derrion."

"Yes, I'm sure she'd be extremely confused if Derrion called her," I say, sarcastically.

"Well, it's none of our business." She leans back and crosses her legs.

"It's killing you, isn't it," I ask, knowing good and well that she's an extremely nosey person.

She sighs. "Mm-hm." After a minute or two, Kempley comes back inside, a wide grin on her face. "Who was that," Starlit asks.

Kempley glances between us for a minute. "Oh, it was-uh- Derrion."

"I don't believe you." Starlit crosses her arms and Kempley leans over and whispers in her ear. Starlit gasps and smiles. I wonder what she said.

"I'm offended. I can't believe I'm being left out of this."

"Just click play." I click play and we finish the movie.

"What now?" I look between them.

"Oh, we could-" Kempley's interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

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