Chapter 25

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"Mathew! Where'd you put the jelly?" I jumped so that I could see the entire top shelf.

"I don't know. I might've eaten it all."

I picked up a container of salsa and it slipped out of my hands, busting all over the floor. "Damnit."

"Cameron! That was full!" He looked at the salsa all over the floor sadly.

I hit him in the back of his head. "I know, you little shit head. It's your fault. You should've just told me you ate all of the jelly."

"You should've just asked me sooner."

"Well, you should've just told me sooner!" I sighed heavily. I knew I was being irrational but I didn't give two fucks.

"You know what, I'll help you clean it up..." He smiled.

I was sure there was a catch but I didn't want to clean the stuff up. "Okay."

We cleaned up the salsa and he leaned back on the counter, crossing his arms. "Now you have to play basketball with me." I knew it. Brian ran into the living room, his little feet padding on the floor.

"What? That's not even fair. I don't ever play basketball. Let's play Keep Away."

"I don't play soccer. I helped you. Come on. Just play a game of HORSE with me."

I rolled my eyes. "You probably can't even spell horse." Matt has been acting like a normal brother recently. It was weird.

"Yes, I can." He furrowed his eyebrows and then looked up. "Wait..." He quietly spelled 'horse'. "Yeah! I can spell horse!"

"You're stupid, dude."

Brian came up to me and poked his throat. "My chicken," he whined. For some reason he called his throat his chicken. One day he told me his chicken was hurting, so I gave him a popsicle. Now that's how he gets me to give him popsicles.

"Here." I opened the freezer and gave him a popsicle.

"Thank you." He gave me a toothy smile.

We went outside and he tossed me a basketball. "You can go first."

I caught the ball and took a shot, but missed. My phone dinged in my back pocket. It was a text from Billie.

billiam: i miss youu

me: my parents are out of town and my brother isn't being an ass. you can come over

"You don't care if Billie comes over, do you?" I asked as he shot the ball and made it.


Brian's eyes lit up. "B?"

Matt gave me the ball. "I'd like to see you make that one."

"I can." I threw the ball and it hit the backboard, bouncing back at me.

"I can't tell if you're shooting the ball or fighting it." He grabbed the ball.

I scratched my forehead and looked around as if I didn't hear him. The dog started barking so I walked to the front door and opened it, letting Billie in. She pulled me into her, pressing her lips against mine. I smiled. "Where's your brother?"

"Matt?" I asked confusedly.

"No! The cute one that actually likes me," she corrected.

"Oh. He's in the back yard." I walked back outside, Billie following close behind.

Billie hugged Brian and grinned. "You are so freaking cute!"


"That's h-o-r-s," Matt said. "You can only get one more letter."

"No, shit, Sherlock," I snapped. "I know how to spell horse."

"Just makin' sure."

I grabbed the ball and passed it to Billie. Her eyebrows knit together as she focused on shooting. Her and Matt both made it. "Your turn, shorty." Billie laughed.

"I'm not short." I took the ball and shot, but it came back and hit me in the head. Billie's short self walked over to me and had to look down to see me properly, a smirk tugging at her lips. She was only like three inches taller than me. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms, glancing up at her. "I stand by my previous statement."

She flicked my forehead. "Okay."

Her and Matt finished playing and Matt won. He went inside and I sat on the ground beside Brian. "Why's he being so... pleasant?" Billie asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"It's hot as hell out here. Can we go inside?"

"Yeah." I grabbed Brian's hand and lead him inside.

He grabbed one of his toy guns and started swinging it as he followed Billie. "I'm gonna beat your ass!"

I looked at him and then at Billie, wondering if I heard that right. "What'd he just say?"

Billie held back laughter. "I think he just said he's gonna beat my ass."

I opened my mouth and then closed it, tilting my head a little. He hit her leg with his gun. "I'm gonna beat your ass!"

I took his gun and popped his hand. "No, sir! You do not say that and you do not hit! Now tell her you're sorry."

"Sorry," he said, not pronouncing the 'r' right. Billie held her hand to her chest, poking her lip out.

I handed him his gun and pointed towards his room. "Go put the gun up."

He walked away and I put my hands on my hips, shaking my head. "He must've gotten that from my mom. It's her most frequently used quote."

"Oh. Well, I can't say that's unexpected."

"Nope." We sat on the couch and I laid my head in her lap. Her hands fell into my hair and she lightly scratched my head. I rolled over to where I was facing her stomach and glanced up at her face, trying not to fall asleep. One of her hands traced down my back and rested on my side. "Billie," I mumbled, smiling. "I swear, if you tickle me..."

"Then what? What're you gonna do about it, baby?" I could hear the mischief in her voice and I didn't have to open my eyes to know she was wearing a smug expression.

"I'm comfortable," I whined.

"Okay. Fine." She kissed my cheek and rested her forehead against my temple, sliding her hand back into my hair.

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now