Chapter 32

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I leaned over the washer, trying to grab all the clothes out, but I couldn't fucking reach them. Billie leaned against the wall, laughing. "It's not funny."

"Yes, it is. I also have a hell of a view."

"Stop staring at my ass, Billie," I said, climbing onto the washer and reaching inside, finally able to grab my clothes. It was annoying, because I was only an inch or two too short.

"I'm not," she replied. I turned around and looked at her. She smirked. I threw the clothes into the dryer and turned it on.

I walked to the upstairs bathroom with Billie following, lingering in the doorway as I picked up all of the shampoo and conditioner, setting them on the side of the bathtub. "How pissed were your parents about the window?"

"My mom tried to ground me, but my dad wouldn't let her since it wasn't my fault." I scooped up all of the dirty clothes and threw them into the laundry basket in my bedroom.

"Well, that's good," she said and I nodded. She picked up the broken picture frame out of the trash as I cleaned off my nightstand. It was the only thing in there right now.

"Is this the picture that you were talking about?" she asked, examining it.

I glanced over at it and grabbed my full laundry basket. "Yeah."

"Oh. Is this Lilly?" She pointed to the girl beside me and I nodded. "Wow. She looks just like you... oh my God." I stared at it for a minute before taking it and throwing it back in the trash. "Sorry. I-I didn't mean to..." She looked at the picture and frowned.

I kissed her cheek and walked out with my laundry basket in my arms. "It's fine, baby."

"When you're done with that can we go get burritos?"

I laughed. "Yeah. Sure." I put my clothes in the washer and started it. "Let's go."


"Okay. Wait. Throw the blanket over my legs." Billie threw the end of the blanket over my legs and I rolled to my left. I shook my head and tried to blow my hair out of my face since my arms were in the blanket with me.

Billie laughed. "You look like a bug that's stuck in a spider web." She pulled out her phone. "Stay still. Let me take a picture."

I wiggled around and furrowed my eyebrows in protest, but she took a picture anyway. "Billieeee."

She laughed, loudly. "Yeah, I'm definitely posting this."

"Nooo," I complained, but knew it was too late when I got an Instagram notification. I was assuming it was Billie tagging me in the picture. She crouched down and kissed my forehead, smiling mischievously.

"Mathew," my dad yelled. "What did I tell you? You can't hang around people like that! Look at you! You look terrible!"

"I'll hang around whoever the fuck I wanna hang around," Matt snapped back. I looked over at Billie, raising my eyebrows.

"You are not gonna put your hands on me!" Did he hit him?

"You're not gonna tell me what to do!" Billie helped me get out of the blanket and I ran to the banister to see what was happening just in time to watch Matt shove my dad.

He put his finger in his face. "You got one more time to put your hands on me!"

Matt stared at him for a minute before giving him another push. My dad grabbed a fistful of his shirt and Matt punched him. Billie gasped and I ran down the stairs as they both started going at each other. My mom just watched.

"Mack, don't," Billie warned, chasing after me.

I stood in front of Matt, grabbing his shoulders and trying to push him away from my dad. He accidentally punched me instead of my dad, not expecting me to be there. My hand flew up to cover my lip.

"Cameron." My dad grabbed my arm, worriedly.

"I didn't mean to. I-I-I didn't see her there," Matt stuttered.

"Go to your room!" My dad pointed upstairs. "You never should've put your hands on me!"

"Mackenzie, are you okay?" Billie put her hand on my cheek, her finger lightly brushing my bottom lip. "You're lip's bleeding."

"I'm fine." I brought my hand up to hers and interlocked our fingers.

My mom fake gagged. "I'm gonna throw up. Don't do that shit in my house, you little shit heads! Go away!" I rolled my eyes and we went back upstairs.

Matt was sitting on his bed. "Make her leave. I don't want her here."

"This is my room too—"

"Did I ask?"

"Stop," Billie whispered. "I'm gonna go. You remember what happened last time you didn't listen to him. I don't want that to happen again."

"Okay..." I walked to her car with her. "I fucking hate him. He's such a little bitch!"

"Calm down, Cam. We can hang out this weekend, okay?"

I shook my head. "It's Lilly's birthday this weekend, and apparently we have to celebrate."

"Maybe it'll be fun," she said hopefully.

"I doubt it. My family is extremely unpleasant, but anyways... let me know when you make it home."

"I will," she said, throwing her head back as if I've told her a thousand times.

"Just making sure." I laughed. "Last time, you forgot and I was worried."

"Well, I'm sorry. I won't forget." She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her, pressing her lips to mine. I held onto the back of her neck, keeping her down at my height for a few seconds before she broke away, slightly out of breath.

"Bye." I stepped away from her car, smiling.


Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now