Chapter 67

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This chapter is long overdue. My bad.

"Baby." Billie tilts her head a little, staring at me expectantly.

"Billie," I whine.

"I know that you were mad when your mom shaved his head, but you're letting it get too long."

"Look at his little curls though." I pout, lightly pulling on one of Brian's small curls.

She laughs. "It's too hot for that. He plays outside a lot. Don't you think he'd feel better if we cut his hair?"

"It's getting colder."

Billie rolls her eyes but a smile still tugs at her lips as she shakes her head. "You're ridiculous."

"I'm not."

"Whatever, dude."

"Whatever, dude," I mock, making an ugly face.

"Bitch," she retorts jokingly.

I hold my hand over my heart, feigning offense. "Rude."

"Wanna cry about it?"

"Maybe I do." I raise my eyebrows and she pushes me.

"Shut up, dork."

"I'm not a dork."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself, angel." She purses her lips, looking away.

"I can't stand you." I get up and walk into the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with water. I take a sip as I listen to what she says next.

"Yeah, right. You love me." She grins and hits the bottom of my cup, making me spill it on myself.

"Damnit, Billie. Why?"

"It was funny." She laughs.

I punch her in the stomach and she doubles over, groaning as I walk past her and take my hoodie off. "No, it wasn't."

Brian grunts, running up to me with a sword that Billie made out of blocks. He 'stabs' me in the stomach and I clutch my 'wound', falling to the ground. "You're dead," he yells and runs away.

Billie gasps and chases him. "How dare you stab the princess and run off. You must suffer!"


"I challenge you to a dual, Sir Brian," she shouts in an accent.

"Uhh... okay. You don't have sword."

"One second," she responds. I can hear his toy blocks moving around for a minute. I assume she's making another sword. I stand up again and they run back into the living room.

"Cameron, lay back down. You're basically dead." Billie motions towards the ground with her hand.

I huff and drop to the ground again.

The start sword fighting. It goes on for a few minutes before Brian's sword breaks, blocks flying everywhere. "Oh, no!"

Billie pokes him in the stomach and he falls to the ground. "You're dead," she mocks. "What should we do with him?"

"Feed him to the sharks!"

Billie nods and whistles, calling Shark into the living room. "Attack!" She points at Brian.

He sniffs him and then licks his face, sending Brian into a laughing frenzy. "Stop it."

I get up and scoop Brian up. "I love you," I say, knowing he's about to be mad at me. "But it's bedtime."

"No," he whines, wiggling to get out of my arms.


He reaches his arms out for Billie and I hand him to her. "Still bedtime." She laughs, setting him in his bed.

"I don't want to!"

"And I didn't ask." She raises her eyebrows.

He crosses his arms and slams his feet down, pouting.

"What book are we reading tonight," she asks.


She laughs at his attitude and grabs a Berenstain Bears book. He loves when Billie reads him books because she does a bunch of funny voices.

I wrap my arms around Billie's shoulders and kiss the top of her ear. "I'm gonna go take a shower real quick, okay?"


I take a quick shower, not wanting Billie to go to sleep before I get in there. I pull on one of her t-shirts and dry my hair before going into our bedroom. Billie's laying on the bed doing something on her phone. I jump onto the bed excitedly. "Yay!" When she doesn't react, I lean over to see that she's asleep. "Oh." I quietly groan, resting my head on her shoulder and kissing her jaw.

She quickly pops up and makes a strange noise. I scream, jumping backwards before I can process what's going on. She clutches her stomach, taking sharp breaths in between laughs.

I smack her thigh. "I hate you! You're so annoying!"

Finally calming down, she pulls me into her. "I'm sorry." I try to scoot away but she's holding on tight. "Stop."

"No. I'm mad at you."

"That shit was funny."

"I know. That's why it's so annoying."

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm not gonna do it again." She moves a strand of hair away from my neck, kissing down my jaw to my neck.

"Fine. I guess you're forgiven."

She places a hand on my cheek and I can feel her smile against my skin. "Thank you."

I close my eyes and grab her hand off of my face, interlocking our fingers. It never takes me long to get to sleep anymore. I can't sleep without her for the life of me. I don't know what I'll do if I ever lose her. I find it funny that she went from being the cause of my insomnia to the cure.

Soooo... I'm putting out another story soon. Updates will be more frequent because  I already have thirty chapters written. It's called Behind Closed Doors.

 It's called Behind Closed Doors

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Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now