Chapter 44

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I knocked on the door and Maggie answered. "Hey, Mackenzie," she said excitedly, pulling me into a hug.

I smiled and hugged her. "Hello."

Billie walked downstairs, making a strange noise. She jumped off of the last few stairs and lightly pushed her mom. "Move. It's my turn."

She wrapped her arms around me and I look up at her. The sunlight from outside hit her face, making her eyes even prettier than usual. She leaned down and pecked my lips. "Come on." She grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to her room where Finneas and Claudia were sitting on the floor, talking to each other. "What are you bozos doing in my room?"

"We're just chillin'." Claudia laughed. "Hey, Mackenzie."

"Hey, guys." I sat on the bed beside Billie.

"So, what are we doing?" Finneas asked.

"The fuck?" Billie cocked an eyebrow and then sighed, getting up. She grabbed Finneas' arm and pulled him up, dragging him to the corner. She said something to him that I couldn't hear and he mouthed an O. I wondered what they were talking about. He hugged her and said something else. She nodded.

"Claudia, let's go get something to eat," Finneas said, helping her up. I watched them walk out and Billie sat down next to me.

"Can we talk?" she asked. I hated that question. It always scared me, but I was hearing it a lot.


"So, I'm just going to tell you straight up, because I don't really know how to ease into the topic." I nodded and she continued. "I'm leaving for tour tomorrow."

"Wait, what?" I raised my eyebrows. "I thought—I thought that you weren't supposed to be leaving until the end of the month."

"They decided to move it up."

I looked down as I tried to process the fact that she was leaving for at least two months tomorrow. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I just found out yesterday. I-I'm sorry." She stared at her hands, biting her bottom lip and furrowing her eyebrows as her eyes glossed over.

I sighed and sat in her lap, facing her. "It's gonna be okay." I cupped her cheeks in my hands and gave her a quick kiss.

She rested her hands on my thighs and I laid my head on her shoulder. "Will you please stay the night?"

"Of course, baby."


"Wake up, baby." Billie gently shook me. "I have to get going soon."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning," I mumbled, getting out of bed.

"Morning, my love." She kissed my cheek and pulled her shirt off, walking over to her closet.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before going back into Billie's room where she tossed me a shirt. I changed into it and we went downstairs. "Billie, you need to get your stuff on the bus," Maggie said.

"Okay, just give me a minute."

Finneas put a hand on her shoulder as he walked through. "I got it."

"Thanks, dude." She sighed, pulling me into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much," she mumbled, kissing my head.

"I know. I'm gonna miss you too."

"Okay, Billie, start saying goodbye," Maggie said. "We're running late."

She lifted my head up and connected our lips. "Listen, I get little breaks and I'll come see you, okay?"

I nodded and gave her one last hug. "Don't worry about me, okay? I'm gonna be fine."

"You know I'm gonna worry, but okay."

"I love you," I said, grabbing her hand.

"I love you too." Her hand slipped out of mine as she walked away.

They all piled onto the bus and Billie blew me a kiss as it drove away.

I know this chapter was short. It was just a little filler.

Insomnia // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now