I think i love you.

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When we pulled up to the restaurant Mattia rushes out the door and opens my door. It's very fancy. Like...a red carpet and everything. It was odd I'll admit but it was perfect. He had me on his arm, and we walked in. Young couples stared and others smiled. The others followed after us. We were all taken to back of the restaurant. When we got there the waitress pointed Ale and Amanda to a room. They walked in.

Riley: wait..what's going on here?

Waitress: They have their own separate dinner room. We offer those. Don't worry yours is right up here.

She said, walking up a set on glass stairs. I stared in shock.

Riley: what, w-what?

Mattia: I got us our own room.

Riley: what about the boys?

Kairi, Alvaro, and Roshuan all put their arms around each other.

Kairi: we'll get a table out here.

Alvaro: quality bro time!!

They all laughed before sitting down at a table. I smiled before Matti grabbed my hand and lead me in front of him. I walked up the stairs after the waitress and Mattia followed. I was exploding with happiness. Which after all that happened to me, I think I deserved. She led us to this room and opened the door for us. It was outdoor. I think I'm going to cry. This is so sweet. This was your view:

There were candles along the balcony, and on the table

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There were candles along the balcony, and on the table. Rose pedals, it was beautiful. You both sat down and got comfortable while the waitress passed you two menus and you ordered your drinks. When they arrived you two just talked about life. He made you laugh. You loved that. After your food came he rubbed his hands together and dug into his food.

Riley: I want some🥺

He chuckled before taking his fork with some food on it and handing it to you. You smiled and bit into the fork. Before making a face of satisfaction.

Riley: oh shit that's good.

We just talked some more, and more. I swear I couldn't talk to this man forever and never get bored. He started breathing heavy.

Riley: Mattia are you okay?

Mattia: uhh yeah. umm-

Riley: Omg! We should take pictures! They would be so cute!

He smiled and laughed.

Mattia: we will don't worry.

I swallow a piece of steak before mattia asks me something.

Mattia: Riley could you stand up please.

You looked at him in confusion, but did as he asked. You stood with your hands folded, a bit cold. Mattia stood.

mattias pov:
okay...you can do this. you got this.

Riley's POV:
He stood directly in front of me. Staring into my eyes. Then he started.

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