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It was just like every day routine. We met up with everyone and went down to the field. It was like everything crazy had never even happened. When we got there, I heard teams warming up and whistles blowing. It was a great start. Me and Amanda got food and drinks ready, they played. We were doing good. Scoring goals, and dribbling was clean. I felt happy. That's until Alejandro went up to the goal and tried kicking. Then a player went and tripped him up. He fell and groaned in pain. The whistle blew. I ran onto the field in worry. I squatted down next to him.

Riley: Ale! Ale! Can you hear me?!

Alejandro: ow...

He groaned slightly.

Riley: okay can you tell me, what part hurts?

Alejandro: arm and f-foot.

Riley: shit. Amanda check his foot please.

I said grabbing his arm. Nothing seemed noticeable so it wasn't anything serious. Me and Amanda nodded to each other before helping him up. He slowly helped him off the field and laid him out on the foldable table.

Amanda: Foot doesn't seem too bad. I think it might be slightly sprained. Playing Prediction rate...2 games?

Alejandro: 2?? No!!

Riley: Yes! Your not playing for at least another 2 games, and THAT is final.

Alejandro: w- well what about my arm?

I picked it up lightly. He flinched a bit. I pressed lightly up and down to see where it might be hurt. He flinched towards the middle-top area.

Riley: okay so it's not your wrist so you should be fine. Educational guess your just a little banged up. We'll get you a sling for the arm and a one-layer bandage for your foot but you HAVE- and I mean HAVE to stay off of it-

Alejandro: Thank You Riley. Your the best.

He said while touching my arm. I smiled and said.

Riley: anytime.

Amanda came up to where we were. He smiled at her, she smiled back.

Amanda: ugghh I'm so glad your okay. Now answer me...

She said as she stopped stroking his hair.

Amanda: who did this to you?

Alejandro: the one guarding me. 6

She nodded slightly. Before quickly turning around and examining.

Riley: Amanda...Amanda no-

She spotted number 6 and marched up to him. Ale couldn't help but chuckle.

Riley: what- no!! Don't laugh! Say stop it or something!!

Alejandro: why? 😂 let her. That's my girl!!

He cheered. I rolled my eyes and threw a rag at him.
He laughed.

Meanwhile, Amanda was meanly marching towards the player. The player turned around and spotted her. He smiled.

#6: well hey there-

Amanda: you son of a-

She said while jumping at him. She didn't get anywhere before Mattia came and grabbed her waist in attempt to hold her back. She struggled and wiggled, trying to get out of his grip before she kinda gave up. Not before mouthing him off tho-

Amanda: you have NO idea how LUCKY you are right now!!!! I will END you! TOUCH MY MAN AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS DICK!!!!

She screamed at him. Ale covered his face with his hands trying to cover his smile. Mattia brought her over and and made sure she sat down. He walked over to me and Ale.

Mattia: might wanna make sure she doesn't rip anyone's head off.

Riley: well I tried to but I was a little pre-occupied with him.

Mattia chuckled slightly before leaning over and giving you a quick kiss. You smiled. Ale tho...

Alejandro: oh COME ON! Right over me?! You guys just swapped saliva DIRECTLY OVER ME?!?!

We both laughed before the boys continued the game. Amanda glared at player 6 for the rest of the game......

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