Darks and Lights 4

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Shuhua's pov

Did i just hear it right? Soojin from Darks asked me on a date?!?! I mean its not technically a date but...bitch i dont fucking care its a date okay!!! I feel like im going to die i swear. Im going to check my phone nonstop just to see when shes going to text me. Im so excited ushdiwkwodj. Im going crazy fuck.

Yuqi's pov

--School bell rings--

Finally time to go home bitches!!! I was about to approach shuhua to go home when i saw her smiling on her own. I swear she look crazy af. Im litterally judging her right now. She look so crazy.

"Uhm shuhua are you okay??" I asked worriedly

I swear she looks like joker smiling like that she looks like a psychopath!

"Aaahhh!!!!" Shuhua shouted like an idiot then hugged me

"Shuhua whats the problem??... dont tell me your on drugs! Shuhua i didnt taught you to be--" I said shuhua cutted me off

"No unnie why the hell do you think im on drugs???" Shuhua said then pushed me slightly

"I mean your smiling like an idiot and it scared me" I said

"Whatever unnie im just happy" Shuhua said still smiling

I swear she looks creppy af.

"Why are you happy??" I asked

"Because soojin asked me out" Shuhua said while squealing

Im shook.

"Oh my god im so happy for you my baby shushu" I said then pinched her cheeks

"Ouch! Stop it unnie" Shuhua said annoyed

"Im just happy for you" I said happily

Miyeon's pov

I saw shuhua and yuqi smiling. I approached them.

"Hi guys why are you smiling what did i miss?" I asked confused

"Soojin unnie asked shuhua out" Yuqi said

My eyes widened woah is this really true?!? Im so happy for her.

"Im so happy for you shuhua tell me if she hurts you i swear im gonna kill her" I said

"Calm down its not a romantic date its just a friendly date" Shuhua said a bit disappointed

"Its okay shushu im pretty sure you'll get together someday" I said reassuring her

--Outside the school--

When we were going home i saw minnie making out with someone. Idk whats going on with my heart why do i feel.....hurt.


I feel bad for miyeon even tho im the one who wrote this😅. And i feel cringe sometimes when im writing hahah.

--403 words--

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