Darks and Lights 10

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Shuhua pov

When i was walking down the hall. I saw Miyeon unnie and Minnie unnie kissing?!?! Wtf i wish i had someone to kiss too. I approached them.

"Guys! Why the fuck are you kissing?!?! You make me feel sad..." I said while wiping my fake tears

"What? Why?" Minnie asked curiously

"You wouldnt understand only us singles do (right readers😏)" I said

"Your weird you know" Miyeon said while giggling

"Your weirder. Why are you kissing??" I asked

"Well uhm..." Minnie said while scratching the back of her neck

My eyes widened.

"You guys are together aren't you?" I asked shocked

"Yes we are" Miyeon said then smiled

"Oh my god! Im so happy. You guys are perfect for each other." I said happily

"Of course we are" Minnie said while Miyeon blushed

'I wish me and Soojin unnie were together too' I mumbled

"Did you say something?" Miyeon asked

"No i didnt" I said while chuckling nervously

"Oh okay" Miyeon said

That was close...

"Hi guys!" Soojin said

She's here!?!? Do i look good!? I bet i look terrible right now. Oh no!

"Hi Soojin" Minnie waved at her

"Hi! Are you okay Shuhua? Your so red. Do you have a fever??" Soojin touched my forehead

Damn it! Why did she have to touch my forehead? Im blushing so hard right now.

"It seems like you dont have one. Then why are you so red?" Soojin asked confusedly

"I-it's probably...because of the weather yeah! You know its really hot these days" I said hoping she would believe it

"Hmm okay" Soojin said

I sighed. Im so glad she believed it.

"I gotta go guys i need to find Soyeon because we have a project together bye!" Soojin said leaving while waving at us

"Bye!" I waved at her

"Lmao you look so obvious you know" Miyeon said while giggling

"Shut up Miyeon unnie. Minnie unnie is here with us" I said panicking

"I already know you like Soojin" Minnie said

"How did you know??" I asked confusedly

"I mean your litterally so obvious. When we were together you werent red then why are you red when Soojin came. It couldn't have been just the weather you know." Minnie explained

Damn it. Was i that obvious??

"Do you think she noticed it too??" I asked

"Nahh i dont think she did" Minnie said

"Thats a relief. Promise me you wont tell her okay?" I said

"We promise" Minnie said

"Thanks" I said and smiled

I really wish she didnt notice. We got back to our class and we were relieved that we arent late.

But like how did shuhua not figure it out fast like come on now they were kissing! For god sake! lol. Since solar1228 requested sooshu to be next so im going to do theirs first. Thanks for reading my story guys.

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