Darks and Lights 46 (MmM2)

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Minnie's pov

After the shit that happened i decided to sleep on the couch. She probably dont wanna see me after what i did.

"God! Are you an idiot Minnie?! Whats wrong with you?!" I hissed at myself for being such an idiot

Ugh! Im pretty sure Mia's gonna be hurt again. The person that i dont want to get hurt but i hurt her. I cried thinking about what she would say to me because of what i did.

Miyeon's pov

I shouldn't have said those words to her! She probably got hurt...im sorry Minnie i didn't mean to...but we are hurting too...


I woke up and felt no one beside me! Where is she??....oh i forgot

I took a shower and went downstairs.

When i was downstairs i smell pancakes. Thats weird. I looked at the kitchen and saw Minnie and Mia? Why is she here? She's supposed to be at the hospital right now

"Minnie" I said and she flinched then look at me nervously

"O-oh a-ahm Miyeon! Come here and eat" Minnie said stuttering while scratching her nape

I sat down beside Mia and looked at Minnie. She doesn't look like she's leaving for work.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" I asked coldly

"We--" Minnie was about to say something but Mia cut her off

"Mom is going to spend time with us the whole day Mommy!" Mia said excitedly

"How about work?" I asked

"Well i decided to take a break and spend time with you guys which i never got to do" Minnie said sadly

I secretly smiled. Im happy that she decided to spend time with us. Mia doesn't look pissed at her i wonder what Minnie told her...

Minnie's pov

I decided to cook Mia's favorite food pancakes! I hope this will lessen her anger at me.

--A few minutes later--

"Mom?" Mia said

I looked back and saw Mia. I smiled at her but she just stared at me

"M-mia I-im sorry" I said stuttering she just looked at me coldly

Ah shit! Dont cry...not infront of her

"I-i cooked you pancakes. D-do you wanna eat it?" I asked

I feel like my tears is going to go out soon. Be strong Minnie.

"Fine. Your lucky that i like pancakes" Mia said and sat at the chair. I sighed in relief then sat infront of her.

"I-im sorry Mia I-im s-sorry..." I said stuttering. I bit my lip trying to stop the tears thats threatening to fall

"For not coming yesterday? Yeah thank you btw" Mia said sarcastically

She's still 5 yrs old. Why is she already so sarcastic?? Im pretty sure she learned it from that tiny aunt of hers!

"I-im sorry baby but dont worry...im taking a break from work so we can spend time together you like that baby?" I asked

She was silent for a moment and i was so anxious that i didn't notice that my tears fell down on my cheeks.

"M-mom why are you crying?" Mia asked worriedly then wiped my tears. I just smiled at her

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