Darks and Lights 6

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--At Soojin's house--

Soojin's pov

I should text shuhua and tell her that were going for a dinner. You must be wondering how i got shuhua's number well when we were at school and became friends we decided to give each other our numbers.

Hi Shuhua Im just
       going to tell you that
were going to have a
dinner tonight. You
know just to get to
know each other.

--At Shuhua's house--

Shuhua's pov

I was taking a shower and just got out of the bathroom. When i heard my phone notified i took my phone and saw soojin's message. Im so happy right now i cant djhddbk.

Hi Shuhua Im just
going to tell you that
were going to have a
dinner tonight. You
know just to get to
know each other.

Okay soojin unnie
just tell me when
and where.

The address is ***
and ill pick you up
at 7:00pm. See you

See you!

"Ahhhh!!!" I shouted then cover my mouth

I cant believe it im going to have dinner with my crush. Im so excited and nervous at the same time.

--Time skipped--

Third person's pov

Shuhua and soojin were excited for the so called date. Especially shuhua whos having a hard time picking clothes. When they got ready soojin got in her car to pick shuhua up. When she got there she put the roses at her back and pushed the doorbell. Shuhua opened the door.

Soojin's pov

Shuhua opened the door and i decided to give her the roses.

"A rose for a beautiful lady like you" I said and kissed the back of her hand

"Thank you" Shuhua said while blushing

I led shuhua to my car and opened the door for her.

--Time skipped--

We arrived at the restaurant. I opened the door for shuhua to get out. We got in and sat down i pulled the chair for her to sit. When we finished ordering we started talking with each other.

"How are you shuhua?" I asked

"Im good how about you?" Shuhua answered and asked

"Im good too" I said while smiling

When she was telling me something i didnt really listen that much because i was facinated by her shes so pretty. How did i just notice it now? Shes really interesting i want to know more about her.

--Time skipped--

--At Shuhua's house--

"Bye Soojin unnie i really enjoyed this night" Shuhua said and approached me and she......kissed me!?!?! on the cheeks.

I blushed at what she did.

"I enjoyed it too. Im going to go now bye" I said smiling

Shuhua got inside and i got inside the car. And drive back home. I thinking about the kiss so much. I touched my cheeks and smiled.

Shuhua's pov

I cant believe what i just did there. I kissed her cheeks damn it i hope she didnt feel uncomfortable arrgghh why did i have to do that. I threw myself on the bed still thinking about her cheeks it was so soft i cant right now i love it so much!!!


Finally they had a date a friendly date they say. But that didnt look friendly to me hahah. Nice moves you got there shuhua ;)

--545 words--

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