Darks and Lights 5

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Minnie pov

When i was making out with someone i saw the Lights and i saw miyeon unnie looking at us with sad eyes why do i feel bad? I dont even like her i know she doesnt like me either. When they left i stopped what we were doing.

"Why did you stop?" The girl asked

"Lets stop this i dont like you anymore lets break up sorn" I said stoping her

"What?! Why?! What did i do for you to say that?! I thought you love me" Sorn shouted while crying

"I dont love you im just playing with you" I said

"I cant believe this!" Sorn slapped me and run away

To be honest tho i feel bad for her. Yeah im a playgirl but i cant help but feel bad sometimes.

--At Minnie's house--

Why cant i stop thinking about miyeon unnie. I really dont know whats happening to me. Maybe im just stressed?? Yeah it must be. While thinking so much i didnt notice that i fell asleep.

--At Miyeon's house--

Why am i feeling jealous,hurt,pain,sadness? Why am i feeling this things? Why??? For so much thinking i fell asleep.

Third person's pov

They got ready and got to school. As usual when they got to school students run to their direction and shouting their names complimenting them. Their class started. A few minutes later its recess time.

Soyeon's pov

Since it was recess time we all left to go to the cafeteria. When we were eating our food. The Lights went to us.

"Hi Darks can we sit beside since the other seats are full" Yuqi asked

Idk why but my heart suddenly started beating. What is happening to me?!?!?

"S-sure" I said while stuttering

"Thank you" Yuqi said happily

Shes so cute-- wait what am i thinking?!?!

--Siting arrangement--

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"Well since we are sitting in one table together why dont we get to know each other and become friends" Yuqi said

We all nodded at what she said.

"Im Yuqi , im from china and im 18 yrs old" Yuqi said

"Im Minnie , im from thailand and im 20 yrs old" Minnie said

"Im Soyeon , im from korea and im 19 yrs old" Soyeon said

"Im Miyeon , im  from korea and im 20 yrs old" Miyeon said

"Im Shuhua , im from taiwan and im 18 yrs old" Shuhua said

"Im Soojin , im from korea and im 19 yrs old" Soojin said

"Since we know some things about each other we can be friends now right??" Yuqi said

We all nodded and talked to each other for a bit.


Hi guys i hope you enjoyed it love you all. And please comment what you think about my story so i will know if you like it :)

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