Darks and Lights 28

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Soyeon's pov

No! He's wrong it doesn't matter if im a girl or a boy. What matters is i love her and im going to prove to her that i can give her more love than he can!

--At the cafeteria--

"Yuqi! What would you like to eat? Ill buy it for you" I said while smiling

"Hey! How about us?" Miyeon asked

"Nope" I said

"Why?" Minnie asked

"Because your not Yuqi" I said then smirk at her then she rolled her eyes

"Okay then i will get a burger , fries and coke pls" Yuqi said then smiled

"Ok i will be right back" Soyeon said then left

Yuqi's pov

Aww this is so cute. I love her even more!

"Guys. Can my brother sit with us? He doesnt have any friends yet" Tzuyu said with Lucas beside her

"Your siblings?!" Minnie asked shocked and she nodded

Lucas is Tzuyu's brother?! Oh no! Now its going to be hard for me to avoid him since his going to be with us all the time.

"Hi guys! Im ba-- oh what is he doing here?" Soyeon said with a cold tone

"Is it okay Soyeon? If my brother will sit here with us?" Tzuyu asked

"He's your brother?!" Soyeon asked shocked

"Yes he is" Tzuyu said then Lucas smirked at Soyeon

That's weird why is Lucas smirking at Soyeon and Soyeon looks pissed...??

Soyeon's pov

Arghh! He's lucky that he's Tzuyu's brother. If not i would've had punch that smirk on his face.

"Its okay he can sit with us" I said and sat beside Yuqi before he can

I smirked at him


Lucas pov

Argh! I was supposed to sit there! But this bitch just had to intervene. I cant let my plan fail just because of Soyeon!

"Here's your burger , fries and coke Yuqi!" Soyeon said while smiling

"Thank you Soyeon" Yuqi said and smiled back at her

Just wait Soyeon and your precious Yuqi will be mine.

Soojin's pov

I hate this when Tzuyu came Shuhua is not paying attention to me anymore! They're childhood bestfriends but they act like a couple! Holding each others hand , calling each other bae?! Am i really her gf or not?!

"Guys im already done eating im going to go outside to get some fresh air" I said then left

Shuhua's pov

"Whats wrong with her??" I asked Tzuyu

"Idk but i feel like she's jealous" Tzuyu said

"Jealous of what?" I asked

"Jealous of us because your attention is at me and not hers" Tzuyu said

"Oh but she doesn't have to be jealous of that were just friends" I said

"Yeah but you cant take away a jealousy from a person who wants your attention especially because your together" Tzuyu said

"Your right. I should have gave her the attention that she needed..." I said then Tzuyu nodded

"Oh no! What if she's going to find another girl and leave me?! I cant let that happen!" I said panicking

"If she really loves you. She wouldn't do that" Tzuyu said

Tzuyu's right she wouldn't cheat on me right...??

--School bell rings--

"Lets go! I dont want to be late" Miyeon said

"How about Soojin unnie?" Shuhua asked

"Im pretty sure she will go to the classroom later. Come on!" Tzuyu said then pulled me

Soojin's pov

I sat at the bench and took a nap.

--School bell rings--

I woke up and look at my phone. Its already time but I dont want to go to class right now. Might as well just skip class.

"Hi do you know where class A is?" A girl asked

"Class A? Thats my class too but i cant go there because i dont want to get caught" I said and giggled

"Did you skip class?" She asked

"Yes i did" I said embarrassed

"Haha so if that's the case i will skip class with you im already late anyway" She said

"Thanks" I said while smiling

"Its nice to meet you btw im Seo Soojin. Whats your name?" I asked

"Im ----"


Sorry for the cliffhanger😅. I guess you will know her tomorrow. Who do you think she is?

--686 words--

Guys pls support weki meki there so underrated and i want them to get appreciated they just release their comeback OOPSY MV kindly watch it on YouTube thank you guys😊

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