Darks and Lights 41

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Exy's pov

"We should go back. They're probably waiting for us" I said and smiled at Eunseo

"Your right! Lets go?" Eunseo said and i nodded

--At the cafeteria--

"What took you so long?" Minnie asked then Eunseo and I just looked at each other while blushing

"Bitch! Your blushing! That means that you kissed!!!" Miyeon said and gasped

"So your together now?" Soojin asked

"Yes..." I shyly said

"Did you kiss?!?!" Miyeon asked while her eyes widened

"Uhhh..." Eunseo said while blushing

"I knew it! They kissed!" Miyeon shouted

"Shhh keep your voice down!" I shockingly said

"Geez sorry" Miyeon said

--School bell rings--

"Lets go! I dont want to be late!" Yuqi said and we left

Soojin's pov

I cant believe were going to graduate soon. And im so happy that im with the person i love. I hope nothing break us apart.

"What do you want to be your work when we graduate??" Soojin asked

"Idk im still thinking about it" Shuhua said

"For me i might have to go back to japan since im going to be a ceo at our company" Sana said

"I did not know you have a company?!" Yuqi shockingly said

"Yeah i just kept it lowkey" Sana said shyly

"But if your leaving how about me??" Tzuyu said while pouting

"Yes i already thought about that one so i want you to come to japan with me" Sana said while smiling

"Ofc i will go with you" Tzuyu said while smiling and Sana smiled back

"I might go overseas too but im still thinking about it" Eunseo said

"You'll bring me right??" Exy said while doing a puppy eyes

"Ofc but im still not sure were to go" Exy said

"I guess its just the six of us who will stay in korea" Soyeon said

"Yeah and maybe we could buy houses that are next to each other" I said

"Yeah! That would be cool" Minnie said

--1 month later--

Soyeon's pov

Were going to graduate! Finally im not stuck at this school anymore!

"Your so happy to graduate huh?" Yuqi asked

"Ofc duh! Who wouldn't?? I feel so tired at this school" I said

"Well good luck with that because its going to be more tiring when we have a job" Yuqi said and held my shoulders then left

Wow...i love my life...

Sooshu's pov

"How many kids do you want Shuhua??" Soojin asked

"Kids already??" Shuhua said while giggling

"Im just curious. We could adopt one or have a donated sperm" Soojin said

"If were going to have a donated sperm. Who will do it?? Because i dont wanna do it" Shuhua said

"Neither would i" Soojin said

"Will see..." Shuhua said

Minyeon's pov

"Im so excited to spend my life with you" Miyeon said while smiling

"Me too honey" Minnie said and smiled back

"Were going to do it right??" Minnie said while smirking

"Yes but after we have our wedding ofc"   Miyeon said

"And when is that??" Minnie asked

"Idk" Miyeon said and Minnie pouted

Third person's pov

They graduated now. They will find some jobs and be busy but the question is will they have time for each other?


Thats it for today guys. If you want to suggest something for the story you can comment it down below. I hope you enjoyed it.

--561 words--

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