Darks and Lights 37

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Exy's pov

I feel left out because im the only one who doesn't have a bf/gf.

"Exy are you still thinking about it?" Miyeon asked

"Yeah i just want someone to be with so that i wont feel left out when were hanging out" I said sadly

"Do you want me to set you up on a blind date? I know someone thats looking for one too" Miyeon said

"Really? I guess i could try. You know the person right??" I asked

"Yes i do! In fact she's actually in our school but in a different class" Miyeon said

"Oh..." I said worriedly

"But dont worry she's nice. She will not hurt you but if she does just call me then we will beat her up together" Miyeon said while giggling

"Ok Miyeon" I said while giggling

Miyeon's pov

I hope this blind date will work. But like why am i the one who's making them together?? First Yuqi and Soyeon and now this?? What am i a cupid??

"Hi guys were here!" Minnie said

"Honey i miss you!" I said then ran to her and hugged her

"I miss you too" Minnie said and hugged me back

We stopped hugging and sat down with them.

"Btw Honey did you find him?" I asked and they looked at me in shock

Then i realized that Yuqi was with us! Oh shit! I looked at Yuqi.

"No its okay! I want to know anyway" Yuqi said but i can feel the sadness in her eyes

"Okay" Minnie said and nodded

"You dont have to worry anymore he's in jail now. He will not hurt you anymore Yuqi" Soyeon said and smiled at her

Yuqi nodded and smiled back at her

I saw that!

--A few minutes later--

I should text her for the blind date


Hi girl!


Hi unnie! I miss you!


I miss you too! Your
still single right?


Sadly yes...


Dont worry i have someone
that ill put you in a blind
date with


Thank you unnie!
Count me in on
that one!


Ok! Just meet her at ***
Tomorrow night at 7:00PM


Ok unnie. I just hope
this blind date will


I hope so too

--Time skipped--


Exy's pov

I hope the blind date that Miyeon said will work. Argh! I still cant stop thinking about how Lucas rejected me! It felt like nothing to him! He deserves to be in jail for what he did to Yuqi!

--At school--

I was walking down the hall while looking at my phone when i bumped into someone

"Ouch!" She said and fell on the ground

God that hurts!

"Are you okay? Im sorry about that i didnt know were i was looking---" I frozed i was mezmerized by her she look so pretty and cute

"Yeah im okay. Im sorry about that too" She said and looked at me confusedly

"Uhm miss?? Hello? Are you okay?" She said and waved her hands on my eyes

I snapped out of it. She's so interesting to want to know more about her.

"Yeah im sorry about that" I said

"Its okay" She said while smiling

Ughh that smile tho...

"Uhh ill go now i dont want to be late. Its nice meeting you btw" She said and smiled

"Its nice meeting you too" I said then smiled back and she left

She look so beautiful!!! Wait! Argh shit! Idk what her name is?! God im such an idiot!

--A few minutes later--

I got in the class and saw Miyeon coming towards me

"Exy!" Miyeon said while approaching me

"Hi Miyeon!" I said

"Your blind date btw is at 7:00PM later at night so you dont want to be late! " Miyeon said

"Ok. Where is the place that were going to meet?" I asked

"Its at ***" Miyeon said then i nodded and we went back to our seats

I dont even know if i want to continue this blind date anymore. Because of the girl that i saw earlier...


Guys theres still two more parts left that im going to make so i want to ask you. After i publish those two parts. Do you want me to end this story and make a new one or do you still want me to continue this story?

--671 words--

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