Darks and Lights 16

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Soojin's pov

"Damn it Shuhua! Why did i have to like you? It hurts so so much..." I said while crying and drink another shot

"Soojin stop drinking your drunk already" Dawn said

Even when im drunk i can still control my self because im used to it.

"No! Please Dawn dont stop me. I need this..." I said and drink another shot

Dawn's pov

I sighed and decided to call Soyeon

"Hi oppa why did you call?"

"Hi Soyeon. Im calling you right now to get Soojin she's so drunk here"

"Okay which bar is it?"

"Its in ***"

"Okay look after her for a bit im going there"

Come faster Soyeon i got work to do and im screwed if he finds me not working. Speaking of him oh shit! He saw me im screwed!

"Ehem! What are you doing? Get back to work!" The manager said

"Y-yes sir" I said and got back to work

Soojin's pov

Shuhua i thought you like me too because you just look so obvious that i thought you have a crush on me even my friends think so.


(This was at the Darks and Lights 1 btw)

When i looked at my back i saw Shuhua staring at me so i smiled at her. Then i notice she was blushing 'so cute'

"Soojin why are you still standing there come on will be late" Minnie said

"Coming unnie" I said

"You know Shuhua look so inlove when she's looking at you. Its so obvious that she likes you" Minnie said

"You think so?" I asked

"Of course. I always caught her stealing glances at you" Minnie said

Thats true tho. I caught her too and she always look away everytime i caught her. I even think she likes me. But i cant assume anything. Maybe she just like staring at me...?

--Flashback ends--

What was i thinking?? Of course she doesnt like me. This is just a one sided love...

"Hey baby are you alone?" A girl said and sat on my lap

Maybe i can forget about Shuhua for a bit and have fun.

"Yes i am baby" I said while holding her waist

The girl kissed me roughly on the lips and i kissed her back. She kissed me on the neck while her hand is massaging my legs going to my private part. Damn already?! This bitch is wild! She stopped and said

"There's so many people here. Why dont we continue this in my car?" She asked and bit her lips

(Having sex in a car is hot but its not hot when its you who is having sex with Soojin bitch! Soojin and Shuhua only!)

Shuhua's pov

We arrived at the bar and got inside. Then i saw Soojin unnie making out with someone. Argh shit! Im having mixed feelings right now. My eyes were filled with tears and im so pissed off witnessing this! I approached them and pulled the girl away from Soojin unnie and slapped her.

"Who the fuck are you?!" The girl shouted

"Someone who wants to slap you to death!" I shouted then slapped her

"You son of a bitch!" The girl said and slapped me

Oh your gonna regret that! I slapped her and started pulling her hair. She screamed in pain but i dont care. This is what she gets for flirting with my Soojin unnie.

Soyeon's pov

Oh god shuhua we just got here and your already starting a fight! I pulled Shuhua away from the girl and Soojin pulled the girl away.

"Shuhua stop dont make a scene here" I said while holding her arms

"Unnie let go of me! Im going to teach this bitch a lesson!" Shuhua said angrily

"Me too but you need to control your jealousy. There's so many people looking at us right now" I said

Shuhua's pov

I looked around and saw so many people looking at us shit she's right.

"Fine your right. You can let go of me now" I said then Soyeon let go of me

"Wtf is your problem bitch?!" The girl shouted

"Your my problem!" I shouted back

"Is it because i was making out with your girl? That is mine now" The girl said and smirked

Im so angry right now. I want to punch her face to get that smirk away. But i need to control my self.

"Im not yours and will never be! So stop assuming. Shuhua, Soyeon lets go" Soojin said then left

I stick my tongue out on the girl and she glared at me. Ha! Bitch you thought! I then left with Soyeon unnie.


(When its like this. It means its me saying some shits😁) . Guys im sorry i only updated now its because i dont have any wifi and im only using data.

(Wala akong load guys patawad)

--777 words--

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