Darks and Lights 40

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Yuqi's pov

Im glad seeing all of us happy like this. I still feel scared tho because of what Lucas did. Its not that easy to forget that disgusting moment its making me feel anxious and i hate it!

"Uh uhm Minnie" I said nervously

"Yes Yuqi? Are you okay? Why are you nervous?" Minnie asked worriedly

"Im okay. I just...i wanna know how did you catch Lucas?" I asked

"Oh uh....." Minnie looked at Soyeon

Minnie's pov

Im looking at Soyeon for approval if she will agree but she looks hesitant. I saw Yuqi looking at us.

"Its okay Soyeon. I just wanna know" Yuqi said and smile then Soyeon nodded

"Okay this is what happened" I said


--At the police station--

"Did you catch him??" I asked

"We didnt but dont worry we posted the sketch that you said yesterday at the streets and put our number on it so that if someone sees him he/she can call us" The cop said and I nodded

I just hope someone will see him.

--An hour later--

"Sir someone just called us saying that she saw him" The cop said

"Ok then lets go to the place that she saw him"  The other cop said and i went towards them

"Do you know where he is?" I asked

"Someone claimed that she saw him so we are going there right now" The cop said

"Im coming with you!" I said

"I guess you should because you know his face better" The cop said and we left

--At the 'said' place--

"Were here! Where's the girl at??" The cop asked and we got out of the car

"Officers!" A girl shouted and came to us

"Are you the one who called us?" The cop asked

"Yes and i saw him running that way" The girl said and pointed at the direction

"Thanks for the information" The cop said and we quickly got in the car

--A few minutes of driving--

"I dont see him. Is that girl pranking us?" The cop said

I looked at the side and saw someone. Im not sure if its him because he's wearing a hoodie but i feel like its him.

"Officers! Stop the car! I think i saw him" I said

"Where?" The cop asked and stopped the car

"Look there. I feel like its him" I said

"Lets see" The cop said and we got out of the car

I approached him and tapped him at the back. He turned around. And it is him!

"Lucas?!?!" I shockingly said then he pulled me and put a pocket knife on my throat

"Stay back! If you dont want her to get hurt!" Lucas shouted while panicking

Shit! Is this the end of me?!

"We can talk through this you dont have to hurt anyone" The cop said

"Just let me go then she will not die" Lucas said

"Give me the keys for the car" Lucas said

"Okay here" The cop said and threw it next to Lucas

Lucas was about to bend down to get the keys when one of the cops jumped to Lucas and the other one pulled me away. Luckily Lucas didn't stand a chance on the cop then handcuffed him and put him in the car then we left.

--Flashback ends--

"And thats when we got to the police station then i called Soyeon" I said

"Wow i did not know that you got hostage. Im really thankful for you unnie because if it wasnt for you Lucas would not be in jail by now" Soojin said

"Yeah. Thank you unnie" Shuhua said while smiling

"I cant believe that you got hostage honey! Im so glad your okay. I cant believe Lucas did that to you! Im gonna kill that bitch!" Miyeon said angrily

"Its okay honey. Im okay now. Look i didnt get hurt or even a scratch " I said

"Yes but what if you got hurt?!" Miyeon said panicking

"Well i didnt" I said and Miyeon calmed down

"Im sorry Minnie its my fault. Thats why you got hostage" Yuqi said while lowering her head

"Dont say that Yuqi. It's not your fault. If there was someone to blame here it should be Lucas" I said

"Thank you unnie. Im happy that you did all of that for Yuqi" Soyeon said while smiling and i smiled back

"Okay guys stop your dramas its done already" I said and giggled

"Yeah she's right. What we should focus on is why is Exy and Eunseo taking so long at the rooftop??" Tzuyu asked

"I bet you their together now and their kissing each other" Miyeon said proudly

"Well see" Sana said

"Ofc its gonna happen" Miyeon said

"Im so excited were going to be graduating tomorrow!" Soyeon said excitedly

"Same i wonder whats gonna happen to us in the future" I said


Sorry guys if you waited so long and im still thinking on what im gonna write next. Thank you for still sticking with me😊

--830 words--

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