Darks and Lights 9

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-- At school--

I decided to go to school. I just wish that they are not going to ask me that much question because im not in the mood for shits right now. As i was walking i saw them and i approached them.

"Hi guys!" I said happily

"Minnie! How are you? Why did you not attend yesterday? Miyeon was looking for you" Soojin asked

Miyeon is looking for me?? My heart started beating fast. Calm down heart pls not right now...

"W-why is she looking for me?" I asked while stuttering

"Because you didnt show up yesterday you idiot! Where were you anyway?" Soyeon asked

"I just felt sick so i left early" I said making up excuses

"Okay i hope your fine now" Soyeon said

"Where is Miyeon unnie btw??" I asked

"She's with Jin" Soyeon said

"Who's Jin?" I asked

"The guy who was with us at the cafeteria yesterday" Soyeon explained

Argh i hate that guy so much stealing my Miyeon unnie from me!!!

"Do you know Jin is Miyeon's b--" Soojin said but she got cut off by Minnie

"Can we not talk about him" I said irritated

I know what she's gonna say that Jin is her boyfriend and i dont wanna hear it thats why i cutted her off.

"But--" Soojin said but got cutted off

"I said i dont wanna hear it!" I shouted and left

I feel bad for shouting at them but i really dont want to get hurt even more. A girl came up to me and ofc she wants to make out with me. I just let her i want to forget about Miyeon unnie for a bit.

Miyeon's pov

I was at the park with Jin oppa. He needs to go because he have to do something so i left too. I cant stop thinking about Minnie i cant even sleep properly. When i was walking down the hall i saw Minnie making out with someone. I feel jealous and hurt...really hurt. I came to them and slapped Minnie. The girl left running her ass off. Wtf am i doing???

"What th-- Miyeon unnie?!" Minnie said surprised

"Why are you doing this to me?!?! Why are you confusing me?!?!" I shouted while crying

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean?" Minnie said stuttering

"I know you like me Minnie. Are you trying to make me jealous?! Because now its working" I said while crying even harder

"What do you mean? You already have a boyfriend" Minnie said coldly

"What?? What are you talking about??" Minnie said confused

"Dont play dumb! I know you and Jin are together!" Minnie said

I wiped my tears and laughed at what she said Me and Jin together hahha not a chance.

"Why are you laughing?" Minnie said confused

"Jin's not my boyfriend pabo(idiot) yah!" I said still laughing

"What?? But he hold your hand and you smiled and you hugged together" Minnie said still confused

"He's my brother. Even Soojin and Soyeon already know" I said while giggling

"Ohh" Minnie blushed from embarrassment

I laughed and got closer to her. She's blushing even more 'cute'. I kissed her and she kissed back. We back out from the kiss and smiled at each other.

"So does this mean we're together now" Minnie said happily

"Yes. Yes we are" I said and kissed her again


Damn they need to stop kissing for a second. Anyway guys thats it they're together now finally. Now i can work on the other ships. Guys what do you think i should work on first sooshu or yuyeon? Please comment. If you dont comment i might have to choose randomly.

--594 words--

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