Darks and Lights 47 (SsS2)

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Shuhua's pov

For you guys who were asking on how we got Susan...well we did a donated sperm and goddamnit! i was the one who suffered by that! and may i tell you that giving birth is hard as hell!


"Okay now that were married and we already did it i suggest for us to have some kids! I really want one!" Soojin said while smiling

"I want one too but the question is...who is going to be pregnant?" I asked. Soojin is rubbing her chin thinking on how to settle this.

"Aha! I got an idea" Soojin said while smiling

"Okay...what is it??" I asked

"How about we do rock paper scissors so that way it will be fair" Soojin said

Hmm she's right its a good idea.

"Okay fine lets do this!" I said

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!"

"Noooo!!!!!!" I yelled while falling down on my knees

"Yesss!!! Im not the one who is going to suffer!" Soojin shouted happily while kissing her fist

Goddamnit!!! You betrayed me scissors! Why!!!

"Sorry babe but it looks like your the one who's going to do it" Soojin said while smirking. I glared at her then she gulped

"Thats it! Your sleeping on the couch! You better not think on going inside our room or else..." I said while glaring at her then went inside our room and locked it

"I won but why did it feel like i lost" Soojin said and sigh

--Flashback ends--

Yeah i let her sleep on the couch but you guys cant blame me i trusted the scissors but it betrayed me :(

I walked to the living room and saw Soojin playing on her phone. I approached her.

"Babe!" I said

"Yes babe?" Soojin said still looking at her phone

"Can you look at me" I said starting to get irritated

"Yeah babe just a minute! Im almost done" Soojin said still not looking at me

Thats it! Im pissed!

"You better look at me right now or else your phone is going to hit hard on the wall!" I said while glaring at her. She gulped and stopped playing then look at me nervously

"Do i really need to say that just to get your attention?" I asked while raising my right eyebrows

"Of course not babe...as much as i can throw my phone right now just for you to not get mad at me but i cant...i still need to watch gidle's comeback called DUMDi DUMDi on august 3" Soojin said while lowering her head

(Im lowkey promoting it lol)

This girl is lucky that i love gidle too if not i would have threw her phone right now

"But babe why are you so mad anyway?" Soojin asked

"Nothing i just remembered something that happened years ago and it pisses me off" I said and rolled my eyes

--Time skipped--

We were just cuddling on the couch when suddenly someone knocked on the door

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