Darks and Lights 13

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Shuhua's pov

"Shuhua wake up your gonna be late!" Mom said

"Mom. Its still early" I said and closed my eyes

"What are you talking about?! Its already 7:30! You only have 30 minutes to prepare!" Mom shouted

"What!! Why didnt you wake me up early?!" I said panicking

"I did but you wouldnt wake up" Mom said

Argh i couldnt sleep early last night because i keep thinking what Soyeon unnie and Soojin unnie might do together. I quickly take a shower, get dressed and took a sandwich that mom made.

--Time skipped--

I arrived at school. When i got in i saw the students walking out of their classroom i was so confused then i realized that were having a program today. I hit my head. Pabo shuhua-yah. I saw Miyeon unnie and Yuqi unnie i approached them.

"Hi guys!" I said and waved at them

"Oh shuhua! Finally your here. Lets go!" Miyeon said then ran and left us

"Why is she so excited anyway??" I asked

"Idk. Maybe she forgot to take her meds " Yuqi said and laughed

"Maybe" I said and giggled

Soojin's pov

Im excited and nervous at the same time. I look through the crowd and saw shuhua with the others. Im so nervous i have never performed with so many students watching me. Especially her watching.

"Hi guys! Are you excited to see the performance of our talented students?" The mc said

"Yes!!!" The students shouted

"Ok then. Lets start with the first performer. Give it up for Minnie!!!" The mc said and the students started shouting.

"Hi! Im going to sing for you guys the title is Wish You Were Gay by Billie Eilish" Minnie said and the students shouted even more

"Thank you for that wonderful performance. Next performer Soyeon and Soojin!!!" The mc said and the students started shouting and hitting each other because of excitement

Its our turn now! Im so nervous. We got to the stage and everyone started shouting.

"We are going to dance ---" Soyeon said and the crowd goes wild

Shuhua's pov

No wonder Miyeon unnie was so excited to come here because Minnie unnie was going to perform. I facepalm my self.

"Thank you for that wonderful performance. Next performer Soyeon and Soojin!!!"

Wait--- what?! Soojin unnie and Soyeon unnie are going to perform?! So that was their project??

"We are going to dance ---" Soyeon said

Oh no! Im not ready for this!


Hi guys! I hope you are having a good day.

--407 words--

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