Darks and Lights 29

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Soojin's pov

"Im Sana Minatozaki its nice meeting you too" Sana said while smiling

"Your name doesn't sound korean. Where are you from?" I asked

"Im from japan. Im a new transfere here. I lost track of time so i got here late" Sana said embarrassed

"Its okay even i was late for the first day" I said while smiling

--School bell rings--

"We should go to our next class" I said

"Ah!" Sana said

"What is it?" I asked

"There's something in my eye" Sana said

"Here let me" I said then blew on her eyes

Shuhua's pov

--School bell rings--

Why did she skip class? I should go outside maybe she's still there. I got up and was about to go out when...

"Shuhua! Where are you going?" Tzuyu asked

"Im going outside to find Soojin" I said

"Im coming with you!" I nodded and we got outside

--A few minutes later--

I saw Soojin with another girl kissing?! Am i seeing this right or am i blind?! I approached them.

"Soojin unnie how could you do this to me" I shouted

"Shuhua no! Its not what it looks like" Soojin said panicking

"Wth did i just witnessed??" Tzuyu said then the other girl looked at us

"Tzuyu! I miss you!" The girl shouted then hugged Tzuyu

Wtf is happening??

"Sana?! What are you doing here? I thought you will be here next month??" Tzuyu asked

"Yes but i decided to surprise you!" Sana said happily

"Wait! Wth is happening?? Who is she?" I asked

"Oh she's Sana my girlfriend" Tzuyu said

"Girlfriend?! You have a girlfriend??" Soojin asked and Tzuyu nodded

"Oh she's your girlfriend Sana the one that you have been talking about" I said and Tzuyu nodded

I know she has a girlfriend Sana but i didnt see her face because Tzuyu wants me to wait for her to come here.

"Ok wait but what about what i saw? You were kissing??" I said confusedly

"Yeah i saw that too what does this mean Sana?" Tzuyu asked

"It was a misunderstanding. We weren't kissing she just blew on my eyes because there was something in my eyes" Sana said

"Oh sorry for shouting babe i didn't know. I just thought you were cheating on me..." I said while lowering her head

"Its okay babe. I will never cheat on you. I love you so much" Soojin said then hugged me

"I love you too babe" I said then hug her back

"Ok you can stop that now. We need to get to class or were going to be late" Tzuyu said then we got inside

--At the classroom--

Soyeon's pov

Should i ask Yuqi on a date? But what if she says no? I should try. Here we go!

"Yuqi" I said

"What is it Soyeon unnie?" Yuqi asked


"Hi guys!" Tzuyu said

Argh darn it!

"Hi! Who is she?" Miyeon asked

"Her name is Sana my girlfriend" Tzuyu said while smiling

"Oh nice to meet you Sana" Minnie said

"Nice to meet you too" Sana said

"This is great! We all have a couple in one group" Shuhua said then giggled

"Yeah except for the two other gays" Soojin said and they all looked at me and Yuqi

"Hey! You guys are so rude!" Yuqi said then pouted

"Yuqi can you accompany me to go to the bathroom" Tzuyu said and Yuqi nodded

--At the bathroom--

Yuqi's pov

"Yuqi there's something i want to tell you" Tzuyu said

"What is it?" I asked

"Can you give Lucas a chance?" Tzuyu asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Lucas really likes you and i wish you would give him a chance to prove himself" Tzuyu said

"I dont know Tzuyu. You know what your brother did right? And i dont want to get hurt again" I said

"Dont worry Yuqi my brother changed and im sure he's not going to hurt you anymore" Tzuyu said

"I-i guess i could" I said

"Just tell me if he did something that made you uncomfortable okay?" Tzuyu said and i nodded

"Lets go?" Tzuyu said and i nodded

--At the classroom--

Idk if this is a good idea but its not going to hurt to just give him a chance right?

"Good afternoon students" The teacher said

"Good afternoon sir Taemin" The students said

"You may take a seat" The teacher said

--Time skipped--

--School bell rings--

"Yuqi! Ill drive you home just wait here i need to go to the bathroom real quick" Soyeon said and i nodded

"Yuqi can we talk?" Lucas asked

"Sure what is it?" I asked

"Can we go on a date?" Lucas asked

A date?! Im not sure if i want to but i told Tzuyu that i will give him a chance...

"Uhm can you give me some time to think about it?" I asked

"Sure just text me if you already know your answer" Lucas said then left

"Yuqi im sorry i took a bit longer" Soyeon said

"Its okay" I said while smiling

"Lets go?" Soyeon asked and i nodded

--In the car--

"Yuqi there's something that i want to tell you" Soyeon said

"What is it?" I asked

"D-do you want to go on a date with me?"


Yuqi is living the life right now two people asking her on a date. Meanwhile me not even getting asked by a single person🙄

--885 words--

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