Darks and Lights 39

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Eunseo's pov

Argh god damn it! I woke up late and now im going to be late! But i dont regret staying up late. Atleast i had fun talking to Exy. I looked inside my class. The teacher is still not here! Yess!!!

"Hey Eunseo!" Someone called me

Oh its Seola! She looks pissed. I wonder what happened...

"What is it?" I asked

"Why did you not tell me that you have a gf?!" Seola asked

"What do you mean? I dont have a gf" I said

"If you dont have one. Then who was the girl that is looking for you and came here from class A?" Seola asked

What someone is looking for me? From class A? Who could it be??...........Exy?!

"Well i actually......got in a blind date with her..." I said nervously

"What?!" Seola shouted

"Hey! They're looking at us" I said looking around

"Sorry" Seola said and do a peace sign

"Im just hurt that you didnt tell me that you were in a blind date and your already together!!" Seola shouted

"Could you pls stop shouting?? Im sorry that i didn't tell you but for the last time i swear to god we aren't together okay!" I said

"I bet you already have feelings for her" Seola whispered

"Bitch I heard that" I said

"I know but be honest do you really have feelings for her?" Seola asked

Idk do i?? I-i guess i do...

"I-i..." I said while blushing

"Come on. You can tell me were friends for so many years now and your just doubting now?" Seola asked

"I-i kinda like her a bit..." I said while blushing and Seola's eyes widened

"Bitch!! When people say 'a bit' while blushing it means that they like her/him a lot!" Seola said while squealing

"O-okay fine i admit it" I said shyly

"Admit what??" Seola said teasingly

She's clearly teasing me!!! I hate you Seola!!!

"You already know the answer!" I said shyly

--School bell rings--

"Fine. Ill stop teasing you and tell me if your together okay?" Seola said while smirking and ran out of the class

"Hey!" I shouted but she's already far

This bitch really...

I got out of the class and saw Exy so i approached her.

"Exy" I said

"Eunseo! Im glad your here they already left i was just waiting for you lets go?" Exy said and i nodded

--At the cafeteria--

"They're here!!" Miyeon shouted

Wtf is unnie shouting about??

"Im so glad that the couples are here! God! Im so good at making people together" Miyeon said proudly

"Uh did you forgot that were not together yet" Exy said

"Not yet! But will be soon trust me" Miyeon said

"Im so glad that Exy is not single anymore" Yuqi said teasingly and Exy rolled her eyes at Yuqi

"We should have a party or something to celebrate that we all aren't single's anymore" Minnie said and giggled

"This is the first time i heard that someone wants to have a party just because they aren't single anymore" Soojin said

"Im just kidding" Minnie said

"Can you guys just eat?" Soyeon said and they nodded

--A few minutes later--

Exy's pov

I felt that Miyeon is nudging me so i looked at her.

"What is it?" I whispered

"Bitch you should make your move!" Miyeon whispered

"What do you mean?" I whispered and Miyeon sigh

"Come on i didn't do all of those shits just for you two to not be together!" Miyeon whispered

"Then what should i do?" I whispered

"Idk. Invite her to go to the rooftop and confess or something" Miyeon whispered

"F-fine" I whispered nervously

Okay i can do this! I just hope she wont reject me because if she does my heart is going to get broken again...

--A few minutes later--

"Uhh Eunseo do you want to go to the rooftop with me??" I asked

Please say yes...

"Uhm sure ill go with you" Eunseo said


"Lets go?" I said and she nodded

--At the rooftop--

"Lets sit down?" I said and we sat on the bench

"Uhm Eunseo did you like our date yesterday?" I asked nervously

"Of course i did! Didn't i already tell you that?" Eunseo said while giggling

"Just making sure" I said while smiling

Lets do this. I took a deep breath.

"Eunseo there's something that i want to tell you" I said

"What is it?" Eunseo asked

"I-i really like you not as a friend but more. I know this is really fast but i just fell inlove with you at the first time that i saw you. I guess Love at first sight is true..." I said but she was just silent she looked shock

"If you dont like me then thats okay im not forcing you to love me ba--" Eunseo kissed me that made me stop

What does this mean? Does she like me too? She stopped kissing and looked at me

"Im sorry. You just wouldn't stop talking" Eunseo said and giggled

"Then does this mean??..." I said

"Yes i like you too Exy" Eunseo said and i hugged her

"You dont know how much i love you" I said while smiling

"Oh believe me i do know" Eunseo said then giggled

"I love you Eunseo" I said

"I love you too Exy" Eunseo said


I didnt really double check if i had any typos or missing words because im lazy so im sorry in advance😅. You can ask something about me if you want to but no personal questions😁

--930 words--

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