Darks and Lights 14

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(Lets just pretend that its Soyeon guys ok🙂)

Shuhua's pov

I did not know Soojin unnie was this good at dancing. She looks so cool and hot it makes me wanna do something to her---wait stop thinking like that Shuhua. It makes me fall for her even more. My heart started beating. Heart please... dont beat that fast please... I left to get some fresh air because im really getting suffocated inside.

Soojin's pov

Where is Shuhua going? Why is she leaving? We finished our performance and left the stage. I was about to go outside to follow Shuhua but someone hold my arms causing me to stop.

"Soojin you were so hot dancing on the stage earlier" Somi said and bit her lips

Argh not now Somi i need to follow Shuhua.

"Thanks Somi but i need to go" I said and moved her hand

"Wait!" Somi back hugged me

"How about we go to my house and do something fun?" Somi said seductively

"Im really sorry Somi but i need to go" I said then shoved her arms and ran outside

Shuhua pov

My mind is really crazy i should stop thinking about her. Im just going to get hurt because she doesnt even have feelings for me...

"Shuhua!" Someone said

Huh that voice sounds familiar it feels like a person that i have known for so long. I turned my back and saw...

"Tzuyu!" I said smiling

"Shuhua! I miss you!" Tzuyu said and hugged me

"I miss you too!" I said and hugged her back

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Well actually im going to transfer here and just my luck your going to be my classmate!" Tzuyu said happily

"Really! Im so glad! Its been a long time since i saw you" I said happily

"Yup finally hang out time with my girl!" Tzuyu said and laughed

"Yess" I said and laughed too

"Shuhua im still your bestfriend right?" Tzuyu asked

"Of course you are" I said then hugged her

"I love you bae" Tzuyu said smiling

"I love you too bae" I said and smiled back

Soojin's pov

"I love you bae"

"I love you too bae"

I...knew it she doesnt like me she already love someone that is not me... Stupid of me to think that she likes me too. I left and got to the parking lot. I got in my car and drive to the nearest bar.

Shuhua's pov

I really miss Tzuyu were childhood friends and 'Bae' is our callsign. People think were a couple because we call each other bae but we dont think of us being a couple.

"How are you and your girlfriend?" I asked

"Were okay she's in japan right now and she's going to transfer here next month im so excited!" Tzuyu said happily

"Good for you" I said then smile

"How about you do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?" Tzuyu asked

"I dont but i like someone" I said shyly

"Yiiieee who is it?" Tzuyu asked

"You will meet her" I said smiling

"Okay" Tzuyu said and smiled

"Lets go inside im going to introduce you to my friends!" I said smiling

"Lets go!" Tzuyu said


I was actually thinking of making them together now in this part but i thought lets make it a bit long before they get together heheh. Thank you for 2.03K reads and 108 votes you guys are the best👍. Can you guess who is tzuyu's girlfriend?

--529 words--

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