Darks and Lights 34

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Exy's pov

Im such a fool! I just destroyed my friendship and life just because of him! He doesn't even appreciate me! I should call Yuqi to warn her about Lucas. Phone ringing. It just keeps on ringing but no ones answering thats weird... I should call Soyeon if she's with Yuqi.

"Hi Exy" Soyeon said

"Hi! Is Yuqi there with you?" I asked

"No she isnt. Why are you asking?" Soyeon asked

Oh no! What if Lucas did something to her?! Please no...

"Where are you Soyeon?!" I said panicking

"Im at Neverland Cafe with Soojin and Minnie" Soyeon said

Thats close to Lucas house!

"Ok im going there! Wait for me" I said


I hang up and quickly got in my car to go to the cafe.

Soyeon's pov

Whats happening??

"Who was that?" Minnie asked

"Its Exy" I said

"I notice that she's been flirting with you at school. Do you like her?" Soojin asked

"No i dont. She doesnt like me either" I said

"What do you mean?" Soojin asked

"I'll tell you later" I said and Soojin nodded

--A few minutes later--

"Soyeon!" Exy said and approached us

"Exy! Why did you go here?" I asked

"Yuqi is not answering her phone so im worried if Lucas did something to her!" Exy said panicking

"What?? What are you talking about?" I asked confusedly

"Look Lucas is a fuckboy and im scared that he did something to her because he wants her back just to make out with her" Exy said

This is making me worried i hope he didn't do something bad to her.

"Thats why we should go to Lucas house to see if she's there" Exy said

"Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!" Soyeon said

"Were coming with you" Minnie said and i nodded

--Time skipped--

"Were here!" Exy said and we quickly got out of the car

I reached the doorknob and its lock!

"Its lock maybe no ones inside?" I asked

"I'll try calling her again" Exy said

Phone ringing. We all looked at the door and heard a phone ringing!

"Why is there a phone ringing inside?" Soojin asked

"What if Yuqi's inside?" Exy asked

"Help!!!" Someone shouted

"That sounded like Yuqi! She needs our help!" Exy shouted


"Yuqi! Are you in there?!" I shouted while banging on the door

"Yuqi answer me!" I shouted while banging on the door harder

"Lucas! Dont you dare touch her?!" I shouted while kicking on the door

"Its no use! We cant open it!" Minnie said panicking

"We should call the cops!" Soojin said and Exy called the cops

"Fuck you Lucas! I swear im going to beat the shit out of you when we open this door!" I shouted while banging and kicking the door

Lucas pov

"Its lock maybe no ones inside?"

Shit! Its Soyeon! Why is she here?!

"I'll try calling her again"

Exy?! You bitch!

"Why is there a phone ringing inside?"

Damn it! I should have destroyed that phone when it rang earlier!

"What if Yuqi's inside?"

"Help!!!" Yuqi shouted


"Shut up!" I whispered angrily at her and covered her mouth

"That sounded like Yuqi! She needs our help!"

"Yuqi! Are you in there?!"

"Fuck!" I whispered

"Yuqi answer me!"

"Lucas! Dont you dare do touch her?!"

"Its no use! We cant open it!"

"We should call the cops!"

"Fuck you Lucas! I swear im going to beat the shit out of you when we open this door!"

Damn it! They're calling the cops this is not good! I should get out of here! I looked at Yuqi. I should get out through the window. I already did what i wanted.

--Police sirens--


Soyeon's pov

Finally! They're here!

"Open the door! Or were going to bust this down!" The cop shouted and no one answered

"You left us no choice" The cop said and busted down the door

"Yuqi!" I shouted and saw Yuqi laying on the floor

We went to her and i hugged her

"Are you okay?" I asked while looking at her and got out of the hug

"Im sorry Yuqi" Exy said then hugged her

"Shit! Lucas got away!" Soojin said angrily

Seeing her clothes got ripped off , seeing the hickeys on her neck and seeing her crying?! Makes me pissed off! It makes me pissed off that i got here late! It makes me pissed off that Lucas got away!

"Where the fuck?! Are you Lucas?!" I shouted angrily

"Im going outside to see if he's still here" Minnie said then left

Then i noticed that a window was opened. I looked at the window and saw someone running away. I cant see his face clearly so im not sure if its him.

"Shit! Guys! I just saw Lucas running away he's a bit far but i can recognize that its him!" Minnie shouted

So it was him!

"Were going after him! You come with us. Guide us were he went" The cop said and Minnie nodded and they left

"I hope they can catch him" Exy said

"I hope so too" I said and approached Yuqi

"Lets get you home Yuqi" I said then help her get up and she's still crying

I cant imagine how she felt. She must be in a trauma right now because of what happened. I hope they will catch him and if they do i will kick his balls for what he did!


Idk what happened earlier but im glad im not going to write it all over again🤧. Guys this the last time! Their going to be together on the next part! I promise🤚

--910 words--

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