Darks and Lights 18

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Shuhua's pov

I cant believe we did it. I got up and took a shower and put on some clothes. I sat on the side of the bed and stare at Soojin unnie. Does that mean she has feelings for me too? or she just did that because she was drunk? I looked at her and smiled. I wish you meant what you said yesterday

"I love you Shuhua"

"I love you too"

Soojin's pov

I woke up and saw Shuhua staring at me.

"Shuhua~" I said

"Ah uhm S-soojin d-did you just wake up?" Shuhua said stuttering

"Yes" I said and smiled

"Uhm i-im sorry about yesterday" I said

Shuhua's pov

Sorry?! Did she not want that to happen?!

"Sorry? Why are you saying sorry?" I said with a hint of disappointment on my voice

"I-im sorry because i was drunk and i couldn't control myself" Soojin explained nervously

"So what you said yesterday that you love me? Was that because you were drunk?!" I said furiously

Soojin's pov

Im speechless should i say that i love her? But what if she doesn't love me back?

"Why are you speechless? So its true? I thought you love me because you know what?! I love you!" Shuhua shouted while crying and left the room

Wait--- she loves me too?! Oh no i need to follow her. I left the room and saw Shuhua about to go outside. I approached her and back hug her.

"Shuhua wait" I said

"Stop Soojin! I know you don't have feelings for me. Please dont make this hard for me" Shuhua said and face me with pleading eyes

"Shuhua no! I-i..." I said hesitating

"You what?" Shuhua asked with a tear in her eyes

"I-i love you too Shuhua" I said and blushed

Shuhua's pov

"I-i love you too Shuhua"

Did i hear it right? Or am i deaf? She loves me too?!

"Y-you love me?" I said still shock

"Yes Shuhua. I always do" Soojin said and smiled

I kissed her passionately and she kissed me back. Then i remembered something.

"Oh no! We still have classes today. Its already 8:00 AM we need to hurry!" I said and changed to my uniform

"Oh shit i dont have a clean uniform!" Soojin said panicking

"You can borrow my uniform. Now go and take a shower!" I said

"Yes maam!" Soojin said and got in the bathroom

I laughed and took some food in fridge. Soojin got out of the bathroom and we ate together. We got in my car and drive to school.


Thats it they're together and it was all because of 'someone'🙊

--439 words--

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