Darks and Lights 22

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Minnie's pov

"Im still surprised that you did it tho" Miyeon said

"Same i thought we were going to be first to do it" I said

"Just wondering tho why dont you do it??" Soojin asked while smirking

"Bitch wha--" I cutted Miyeon off

"Thats a great idea" I said while smiling and Miyeon slapped my arm

"Ouch!! What was that for??" I asked while rubbing my arm

"Damn!!! That was a hard slap! You just got slap boiiii" Soojin said teasingly and I glared at her

"How could you say something like that?! In front of a kid!" Miyeon yelled and pointed at Shuhua

"Bitchhh I aint a kid!" Shuhua said then rolled her eyes

"Your still younger than me!" Miyeon said

"Geezz calm your ass" Soojin said

Then i realized something... I gasped

"Guys! We still have to set up Soyeon and Yuqi remember?!" I shouted

"Oh right..." Shuhua said then chuckled nervously

"Well enough of the it. Lets plan this shit" Minnie said

"Ok then does anyone have a suggestion?? And pls dont say something stupid" Miyeon said and Shuhua raised her hand

"I swear if its something stupid. Im going to throw you out of the window" Miyeon said

"Its not going to be stupid. I swear!" Shuhua said

"Ok then. What is it?" Miyeon asked

"You know that we have a triple date tomorrow right??" Shuhua asked

"Yes" I said

"How about we put our tables like this"

This is what Shuhua meant guys

Miyeon            Soojin            Soyeon
      |                        |                       |
Minnie             Shuhua          Yuqi

"Thats a great idea Shuhua! Im glad its not stupid anymore" Miyeon said while smiling and Shuhua glared at her

"So with our tables like that they will have an alone time!" Shuhua said happily

"Unless someone would ruin it" I said

"Why would someone ruin it?" Soojin asked

"Idk maybe someone's ex will come? I mean its not a private place. You never know guys. You never know..." I said

"What the?! Are you on drugs or what??" Soojin asked

"No im not. I just saw that in a movie hehe" I said while giggling

"Okay lets just ignore her. Are you ready for tomorrow guys?!" Miyeon said

"Im so excited!" Soojin said

"Yesss" I said

"The food better be good" Shuhua said

We all looked at Shuhua

"What?" Shuhua asked

I facepalm myself


Well atleast they planned something😅. And Shuhua only be caring about the food! Bitchhhh same😂


Who do you guys ship other than Sooshu , Yuyeon and Minyeon?

--391 words--

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