Darks and Lights 31

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Yuqi's pov


Really? Do you want to
go on a date with me?


Im sorry Lucas but im
going to have to say no


Why? Is there something
wrong with me?


No its not that

There's nothing wrong with you Lucas its just that i dont want you to think that you have a chance because i like someone else...


Do you perhaps like

Shit! Should i tell him??


Its okay Yuqi you can
tell me. I wont get mad.

I guess i can trust him...


Yes i do like someone


Who is it?


Do you promise that your
not going tell anybody??


I promise. You can
trust me


The person that i like
is Soyeon unnie

Lucas pov

She likes Soyeon? I cant believe i got rejected because of a girl.


Dont worry Yuqi
i wont tell her

I will never tell her because i know she likes you too and i cant let you guys be together!


Thank you Lucas :)


Your welcome :) You should
get some sleep its already late


Okay. You should too.

If i cant get you by being nice to you then I might have to do it by force...

Soyeon's pov

I cant believe i almost kissed Yuqi like wth?! She must have think that im a pervert because of what i did. Pabo Soyeon!

--Time skipped--


Third person's pov

They all did their thing and went to school. Yuqi was walking inside the school. When suddenly someone pulled her into a dark empty room and closed the door!

"Who are you?!" Yuqi shouted then someone covered her mouth

"Its okay its just me" Someone said then turn on the lights

"Tzuyu?!" Yuqi shockingly said

"Yes its me. Im sorry about that" Tzuyu said

"I almost had a heart attack. I thought i was getting kidnapped!" Yuqi said then  Tzuyu did a peace sign

"So why did you pull me in here?" Yuqi asked

"Because i heard that you rejected Lucas on going on a date with you" Tzuyu said

"Im sorry Tzuyu but i dont want him to think that he has a chance. I dont want him to get hurt..." Yuqi said while lowering her head

"Its okay Yuqi. You dont have to apologize. You have the right to reject him" Tzuyu said then smile

"Thank you Tzuyu" Yuqi said and smiled back

"But there's something that i want to ask you" Tzuyu said

"What is it?" I asked

"Do you like someone? Its okay if you dont want to tell me" Tzuyu said

"No its okay im going to tell you" Yuqi said then Tzuyu nodded

"Yes i do like someone. I like her so much that it made me reject Lucas" Yuqi said

"Her? So its a girl?" Tzuyu asked and Yuqi nodded

"Who is this girl??" Tzuyu asked

"Oh! Wait dont tell me i already who it is" Tzuyu said while smirking

"Who is it?" Yuqi asked

"Its Soyeon duh! Your both so obvious that i can already guess it" Tzuyu said

"What do you mean by both? She likes me too?" Yuqi asked while smiling widely

"Wait so its really Soyeon? I was just guessing that. I didn't know that i would be right!" Tzuyu said

"Oh" Yuqi said sadly

"Its okay Yuqi i got a feeling that she likes you too" Tzuyu said and Yuqi smiled weakly

"Look Yuqi. If you dont love Lucas and you only love Soyeon then go get her. I dont want to force you to a person that you dont love" Tzuyu said

"Thank you for understanding me Tzuyu" Yuqi said and smiled at her

"Lets go?" Tzuyu asked and i nodded

Yuqi's pov

We got out of the room. Then i saw a girl flirting with my Soyeon?!?! But wait i feel like i know her...


Yuqi know the girl?🤔 What do you guys think?

--667 words--

Who wants some girl Lucas? I have some here

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