Darks and Lights 20

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Soyeon's pov


Oh shit! I run to my car and drive fast to my house.

--Time skipped--

Oh my god im screwed!!! How can i go tomorrow shit! But still! She should thank my pretty ass for making them together!

Shuhua's pov

Soyeon! So she planned this! This is so embarrassing wtf?! I ran outside and saw soyeon.

"Soyeon!!!" I yelled

I ran towards Soyeon unnie but she ran to her car and drove away. I cant believe she planned this!

--Time skipped--

I called Soojin to give her a ride since she doesn't have her car. We got in the car and drive to her house.

--In the car--

"Babe" I said

"Yes babe?" Soojin asked

"Uhm..." I said hesitating

This is embarrassing to say

"What is it babe? You can tell me anything you know that" Soojin said

"You know that we did it right?" I asked

"Yes" Soojin said

"You know that Soyeon planned that to happen right?" I said

"Yeah. I kinda expected that she would plan this tho" Soojin said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well i actually heard what Soyeon said to you when you were outside the car talking and i know she was lying" Soojin said

"Wait--what?! Then why didnt you tell me??" I asked shocked

"Im sorry babe..." Soojin said while pouting

"Aww babe your so cute dont worry im just shock that you know" I said

"You know what babe if Soyeon didnt do that then we wouldn't be together you know" Soojin said while smiling

"That is true" I said and smiled back

I guess she's right tho if it wasn't for Soyeon unnie i wouldn't be dating my long time crush by now. I guess i should thank her but why in this way?! Its just so embarrassing!

--Time skipped--

We arrived at Soojin's place

"Bye babe" I said then kissed her cheeks

"Bye babe call me when you get home okay?" Soojin said and i nodded

I left and arrived at my house


I know its short but bitch all of my story is short anyway😂.

--340 words--

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