Darks and Lights 27

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Third person's pov

"Introduce yourself to your classmates" The teacher said

"Hi my name is Chou Lucas and i hope we will be friends" Lucas said while smiling and the students started whispering

"He is so hot!"

"He is so handsome! I love him already!"

"He looks good but Darks and Lights are still better!"

"He looks like a fuckboy"

"He is stealing all of the girls! I hate him!"

"Ok Lucas you may take a seat at the front beside Yuqi" The teacher said then Lucas took a seat

--Siting arrangement--


Soyeon--Yuqi          Lucas--Tzuyu
Soojin--Shuhua     (empty)--(empty)
Minnie--Miyeon         (RS)--(RS)
(RS)--(RS)                     (RS)--(RS)

"The other transfere is not here yet. I guess she's late or absent for today" The teacher said

Soyeon's pov

What the hell?!?! Why is he all of a sudden here?! Argh he keeps on bothering Yuqi! I hate this guy so much! If only i could kill someone right now.

Yuqi's pov

What the?! I dont want to be with this guy. He keeps on bothering me and its making me uncomfortable.

"Hi Yuqi nice to meet you again" Lucas said while smiling widely

"Hi" I said and weakly smiled

"I didnt know you were here too. It must be fate for us to meet again" Lucas said while smiling

I have a hard time believing that you didn't know i was here and im pretty sure that its not fate! Its pure coincidence or you really knew that i was here...

"It could be just a coincidence" I said

"Im pretty sure its fate because we met each other again" Lucas said

"Uhh im just going to listen to the teacher. Can we talk later?" I asked and he nodded

Finally he's not bothering me anymore!

Lucas pov

When did Yuqi get so hot? I want to fuck her already. I just need to pretend to get her to love me so she cant resist me. I need to get her.

"Sis" I said

"What is it brother?" Someone said

"Your friends with Yuqi right?" I asked

"Yeah i guess we are" Someone said

"Can you help me to get Yuqi to be my gf? I asked

"Idk brother your a fuckboy and i dont want Yuqi to get hurt" Someone said

"But sis this is different i really love her. Help me sis pls for your brother" I said pleadingly

"Ok but you better promise me that you will not hurt her okay?" Someone said

"I promise" I said and smiled

I cant wait to taste you Yuqi. I thought and smirked

Shuhua's pov

Chou Lucas? Chou?? Wait--so he's the one that is Tzuyu's older brother? The one that she told me that was a fuckboy that goes around making out with girls?! I dont want him to be with Yuqi! He kinda creeps me out...

--School bell rings--

I approached Tzuyu and pulled her towards the bathroom.

"Tzuyu! So your brother is Lucas? Yuqi's ex?" I asked

"Yes he is. He wants to get back together with Yuqi and he wants my help" Tzuyu said

"And you agreed??" I asked and Tzuyu nodded

"Why did you agree? We both know that he's a fuckboy! He will hurt Yuqi again!" I said

"But dont worry he truly loves her now" Tzuyu said

"I dont think so. I feel like he's planning something" I said

"Im pretty sure its nothing. Your just paranoid. Dont worry he's change now. Trust me" Tzuyu said

"I guess your right maybe i am just paranoid" I said then we both left towards the cafeteria

Soyeon's pov

I really dont like this guy. There's something odd about him and it creeps me out.

"Yuqi! Do you want to go and eat together?" Lucas said

"Yuqi! Lets go there waiting for us!" I said and Lucas looked at me angry

Haha bitch you better get angry. Yuqi's not going to pick a guy like you. I smirked at him

"Im sorry Lucas but im going with them. Come on Soyeon unnie" Yuqi said then walked towards them

"You should give up Lucas he will never like you" I said and smirked

"Soyeon? Right?" Lucas asked and i nodded

"Look he doesn't need you in her life. She needs a guy like me. Not a girl like you" Lucas said then left

He's right im a girl and he's a guy. Ofc she needs a guy in her life not a girl...


You will know the other transfere in june 18 i guess. Because i cant update tomorrow. I hope you like it!

--750 words--

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