Darks and Lights 36

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Third person's pov

"Hey! Dont you dare!!!" Miyeon shouted

"Miyeon wtf?! They were about to kiss!!" Soojin shouted

"Im sorry to ruin your moment but we have kids here for god sake!" Miyeon shouted

"What? Where?" Shuhua asked while looking around

"Its you and Tzuyu! You idiot!" Miyeon yelled

"Hey im not a kid and im taller than you" Tzuyu said and smirked

"Whatever your still a kid" Miyeon said

"Wait! Wtf are you guys doing here??" Yuqi asked

"Duh! We did all of this shit so you better thank us!" Sana said

"Yeah and i was so close to throwing my fist at Soyeon's face" Miyeon said and sighed

"Im sorry unnie. Atleast i said it" Soyeon said

"Yeah whatever" Miyeon said

"Congrats guys finally your together now" Exy said while smiling

"Thank you Exy" Yuqi said while smiling

"Friends?" Exy asked

"Friends" Yuqi said and hugged Exy

"I miss you Exy" Yuqi said

"I miss you too" Exy said and hugged her back

"Wait! I miss you?? You guys knew each other before?" Shuhua asked

"Yeah we'll tell you later" Yuqi said and smiled

"Where's Minnie??" Soyeon asked

They all went silent.

"I will just whisper it to you" Miyeon said and approached Soyeon

"She's at the police station right now. You know trying to find him" Miyeon whispered to Soyeon and Soyeon nodded

"Ok guys lets eat! Im so glad that we put some extra foods in the fridge. I was so hungry looking at you guys eating" Shuhua said and we laughed

Exy's pov

We are eating right now and i feel sad because in our group im the only one who doesn't have a partner. At least i will not feel left out because Miyeon is here with me.

                  Soojin Shuhua
Soyeon  --------------------------  Tzuyu
Yuqi       --------------------------  Sana
                  Miyeon Exy

"Are you okay Exy?" Miyeon asked

"Yeah. Im just sad that im the only one who doesn't have a partner" I said sadly

"Its okay Exy. Im pretty sure you will find one" Miyeon said while smiling

"I hope so" I said and smiled back

Soyeon's pov

*Phone ringing*

"Someone's phone is ringing kindly answer it" Soojin said

I touched my pocket and realized that my phone is gone

"Has anyone seen my phone?" I asked

"Maybe its yours. The one thats ringing in the living room" Yuqi said and i left

It is my phone that is ringing. I pick up my phone and answer the call.

"Hello?" I said

"Hi Soyeon" Minnie said

"Oh Minnie why did you call?" I asked

"Good news! We caught Lucas and he's here at the police station" Minnie said

"Really?!" I shockingly said

"Yeah and kindly. Go here fast because im so close on punching Lucas right now" Minnie said

"Okay! Thank you Minnie! I will go there immediately" I said then hang up

I quickly got in the kitchen

"Guys! I need to go somewhere. I'll be back" I said

"Where are you going?" Miyeon asked

Uh i dont want to mention Lucas right now.

"Im going to go to Minnie" I said while eyeing Miyeon and Miyeon nodded

"Oh okay" Miyeon said

"Thank you Miyeon" I said and quickly left the house

--Time skipped--

--At the police station--

"Minnie! Where's Lucas?" I asked

I saw Lucas standing at the side with handcuffs at his hands while the cops are holding him.

"Hi Soyeon. Did you miss me?" Lucas said while smirking

"You bitch!!!" I shouted then went to punch him in the face and Minnie held me on the arms to stop me

"Did you like what you did to her Lucas?! Now she's suffering because of you!!!" I shouted angrily at him

"I did like it and i dont care about what she's feeling" Lucas said while smirking

"Bitch!! Fuck you!!!" I shouted and free myself from Minnie and kicked his crotch

"Argh!! Shit!!" Lucas yelled

"Did it hurt?" I asked while smirking

"Thats it!" Lucas shouted and was about to kick me but the cops drag him away and put him on a cell

I approached the cell

"I hope you enjoy your life in prison" I said and left with Minnie

"Soyeon! Come back here!" Lucas shouted but i didnt bother to look back


Damn! I love the kick on the crotch😂. Anyways do you guys want Exy to have a love life? If so comment the idol that you want to be paired with her.

--743 words--

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